" Semper Fi "

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  1. Z3R6

    What are your fetishes?

    Ok I get it ahahhahaha “There will be grave consequences for your behavior, satanic even..”
  2. Z3R6

    What are your fetishes?

    like in a kinky “do what I say or I’ll do TERRIBLE things to you :3” way?
  3. Z3R6

    Thread Ideas

    I mean for the sake of documentation I’ll definitely post the basic information, but I’m just saying, I shall commit no crimes. I’m purely doing the honorable act of documenting these impetuous moralfggy schizophrenics.
  4. Z3R6

    Thread Ideas

    It is when adults but I’m not retarded enough to randomly attack a kid of someone who knows my legitimate phone number from my KF thread.
  5. Z3R6

    Thread Ideas

    She has an around 7 year old daughter I believe. I’m not going to include her in the thread because it’s not her fault her mother has schizophrenia.
  6. Z3R6

    The "leader of anonymous" is now following me (presumably to try and h4xxor me or sum shiet), following a twitter meltdown due to me MAPposting

    I agree I was talking more about who the media classifies as the leader. The reason why Kirtaner is labelled as such is because he created the image board (420chan) that Anonymous formed on.
  7. Z3R6

    If you celebrate thanksgiving you're a spineless faggot who lacks critical thinking skills.

    So what is the root cause of all this shit?
  8. Z3R6

    Thread Ideas

    Been writing it for months, have also got an impending lawsuit against her.
  9. Z3R6

    Thread Ideas

    Post ideas for lolcow threads here so you don’t forget them later. Here are some of my future ones: - BX Bullet (Sprate’s gf) - IHM - Axiom The Fucker
  10. Z3R6

    The "leader of anonymous" is now following me (presumably to try and h4xxor me or sum shiet), following a twitter meltdown due to me MAPposting

    Just for context, this guy actually is Anti Anonymous, he’s seen as the antagonist / jester. The actual leader of Anonymous is Aubrey Cottle (Kirtaner) who I text sometimes. Kron is a pretty vile person who associates with predators / BX & Sprate.
  11. Z3R6

    If you celebrate thanksgiving you're a spineless faggot who lacks critical thinking skills.

    BASED TAKE. This is similar to how I feel about weekends & other commercialized bullshit. Are we sure humans have free will or…?
  12. Z3R6

    Cuckservative Right-wing X / The "Woke right"

    I remember when KF users started threatening that Null would shoot me if he ever bumped into me irl. It was such larp I got a good laugh out of that for a few weeks.
  13. Z3R6


    Just doxed another mod, will post in a sec
  14. Z3R6

    2A (2nd Amendment) / American Pro-Gun twitter

    You guys over at KF are still hosting CSAM of me, so maybe the call is coming from inside the house.
  15. Z3R6

    What are your fetishes?

    Dude you’re glowing
  16. Z3R6

    What are your fetishes?

    Least obvious honeypot.
  17. Z3R6

    Me core

    Whenever I think of that I think of Null sat in the Rust programming server failing terribly to learn Rust.
  18. Z3R6

    Me core

  19. Z3R6

    Me core
