" Sure, this person who extorted children into producing CSAM was in the server where people were trading CSAM, but that's just a coincidence! He wasn't a member, he was just there! There's no connection here, goy! STOP NOTICING THINGS!!! "

Search results

  1. Selena Futanari

    Giving back to the people thread

    this thread ruined kiwifags semper fidelis economy and threw it offline because our content is better
  2. Selena Futanari

    Encyclopedia Dramatica

    Tbh the community im gonna refer to as 726 here managed to stay innovative (as evident by rwtroons coopting some of the more recent memes) by being agefluid hypercontrarians memein on brainrot and any popular thing, if we keep doing that im not sure it can change (in a bad way that is), unless...
  3. Selena Futanari

    Encyclopedia Dramatica

    Let us be colonized by rwiggers and soytroons as per the kalergi plan
  4. Selena Futanari

    Trans Queen Oh no: Josh is Poorly-Sick!

    He broke his weewee on a nekoshota goonsesh
  5. Selena Futanari

    BBC Slut Paul Morris / Sprate Header

    rape your local foodistuttp764pedo
  6. Selena Futanari

    Trans Queen Oh no: Josh is Poorly-Sick!

    Its so sad joshua moon died of ligma
  7. Selena Futanari

    Right Wing X Pearchudohio

    Yeah whats wrong with being a """kike""" (judean suprahuman)? The only good thing amerimutts ever did was to host BLACKED.COM, they are inferior to jews in any other way.
  8. Selena Futanari

    Giving back to the people thread

    no semper fidelis for you
  9. Selena Futanari

    Giving back to the people thread

    this like damn communism in vietnam nine eleven we dont like this at our mcwotan burger goonsesh dream
  10. Selena Futanari


    those who know...
  11. Selena Futanari

    Skibidi Farms Thread on Kiwi Farms

    They are literally nothing but an organized harassment site, this should be punishable
  12. Selena Futanari

    Trans Queen Foodistuttp764pedos

    zoonomalous diaper vampires will suck shit from your diaper and rape your dog
  13. Selena Futanari

    Skibidi Farms Thread on Kiwi Farms

    Go back hohol this site does not support you or your judeo-nazi ahriman puppet state
  14. Selena Futanari

    New imageboard dropped

    Sad also your shit board deleted our posts, soytroons and polcucks cant into no limits fun
  15. Selena Futanari

    New imageboard dropped

    Did you make this
  16. Selena Futanari

    New imageboard dropped

  17. Selena Futanari

    New imageboard dropped

    when are you killing yourself soytrannyan
  18. Selena Futanari

    Race Traitor Onion Farms

    We should start casting diarrhea spells at our enemies