" Semper Fi "

Search results

  1. nama3

    Lolcow.farm’s admin Address

    https://www.advancedbackgroundchecks.com/lorena-sanchez_id_G-rwrz9E56vjKb / https://www.zillow.com/homedetails/502-E-Lake-Dr-Taylor-TX-76574/29610816_zpid/
  2. nama3

    Semper Fidelerald Watching Films join me

    https://hyperbeam.com/i/tdoymkZl Shoot em up
  3. nama3

    Semper Fidelerald Watching Films join me

    https://hyperbeam.com/i/tdoymkZl Dazed n confused
  4. nama3

    Success https://thefuckingwiki.org / https://thefucking.party

    What browser do u use?
  5. nama3

    Semper Fidelerald Watching Films join me

    Nightcrawler https://hyperbeam.com/i/n5kyMvl0
  6. nama3

    Semper Fidelerald Watching Films join me

    https://hyperbeam.com/i/RkJKK2Vc Falling Down
  7. nama3


  8. nama3

    Semper Fidelerald Watching Films join me

    Watching the new Dexter show https://hyperbeam.com/i/RkJKK2Vc Sure when u join
  9. nama3

    Skibidi Farms Thread on Kiwi Farms

    The moralfagging is played out, It's very one note. People who makes Op's on Kiwi Farms need asspats n upcummies, So you get these redundant threads. Like I've said before most of them don't even seem to like lolcows, It's mostly moral crusaders from the Anti-tranny posters to the obvious...
  10. nama3

    Trans Queen "Jim" / James Augustine née James Patrick O'Shaughnessy / Mister Metokur / Jim81Jim / Internet Aristocrat

    Yeah, he announced a mysterious ailment when he opened up his Patreon and did the TGWTG videos. Later when streaming on stream.me he said he got some sickness from Somali immigrants when in all likelihood he got it from his Chinese wife.
  11. nama3

    Trans Queen "Jim" / James Augustine née James Patrick O'Shaughnessy / Mister Metokur / Jim81Jim / Internet Aristocrat

    Anyway, here's the link if u wanna help flag Jim's shop https://www.hostinger.co.uk/report-abuse Both of his shops https://metokur.myshopify.com n https://mistermetokurmerch.com are hosted by the link above, Jim's old Twitter is also linked Stated reason for report Promotes Transphobia...
  12. nama3

    Skibidi Farms Thread on Kiwi Farms

  13. nama3

    Theyre sexy!

    Theyre sexy!
  14. nama3

    Trans Queen "Jim" / James Augustine née James Patrick O'Shaughnessy / Mister Metokur / Jim81Jim / Internet Aristocrat

    I got an idea from /cow/ anyone wanna help me flag the fuck outta Gyms store? It might be more effective if multiple people do it. https://metokur.myshopify.com/ Stated reason Harrassment, bullying Real reason being a Kiwinigger. His official store https://mistermetokurmerch.com
  15. nama3

    Garn47/Floombo/Angel Morales

    Lol, you got bullied by a tranny.
  16. nama3


  17. nama3

    I'm banned on 4cuck, the spinny is a dead nigger + shutting down soon, and this site is even more dead

    No one is stopping you from making more posts either in general, or of the BMT variety.
  18. nama3

    Ugly Nigger Lounge 96 Wiki

    Ken the Owner of Onion Farms wants to be Nool, and Nool had lolcow.wiki. So Ken wanted Gargamel to run it and write everything. Which is why Gargamel made Lounge 96.