" I've been on my fair share of dark corners of the internet, but there's something about Skibidi Farms that's actually disgusting. I still feel disgruntled after only lurking for a few minutes "

Search results

  1. I

    Making up random boogeyman names for kiwifags to seethe over

    monkeyfuckers monpaikillers
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    down again

    what happened
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    karenfarms keeps infiltrating
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    Soyjak.Blog/The Shlog

    you shouldnt, soytroons moved out of that shithole en masse because of the antioch shooting, i scared them with "eu glowniggers spying on the schlog because the shooter had an account on there (which is obviously a lie)" and 16/20 top posters left already
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    The Kiwi Farms Community

    bro has ultra prey eyes and a triple chin ☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️
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    Semper Fidelerald BMT thread

    Mad at the Internet
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    Semper Fidelerald BMT thread

    Actually pigtails unlike monpai aren't rodents, pigtails are smart and quiet monyet
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    Semper Fidelerald BMT thread

    why did you call an adulte treerat-pigtail a bayi monyet tanpai ? those are black macaques with long tail it shows how ignorant you are and how you didnt read the lore
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    Semper Fidelerald BMT thread

    also thats a pigtail so its Mid
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    Intellectually concluding which FPE teachers are MAPs

    how is miss sasha highest on the list and then demi above her
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    Semper Fidelerald BMT thread

    safe edgy, not a bb and reposted
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    stomp it and throw that shit rat into a meat grinder
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    cuz its safe edgy

    cuz its safe edgy
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    submit content here to be featured

    400 views on one image? anonymous is after us its ovr
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    submit content here to be featured

    today is the day when baby monyet mona made her last appearance. RIP nastytreerat
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    skibidifarms gets spammed Spam is deleted Nothing happens >>>>>>>>>>>>>><><><><><><>><<>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Sharty gets spammed >>>>>>>>>>>>>>><><<><>><><><<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>Spam continues for 3 days, another "faction" of spammers shows up to outspam the original spammers...
  17. I

    Soyjak.Blog/The Shlog

    https://www.starkcjis.org/#/case/detail/AMC/2024TRD00332 COOPER, LOGAN VAUGHN Dec 17, 1994 333 LINDENWOOD AVE AKRON, OH 44301 Logans sister they/them pronouns on facebook 255 5th St Ne Barberton, Oh 44203
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    Semper Fidelerald BMT thread

    Monkeys are a genuine place in many parts of the world - they're absolutely everywhere, they assault people, even kill people, and steal human babies. They torture small animals and even their own offspring. They're nearly satanic in their behavior sometimes. Even monkeys raised from birth by...