" Alright, time to jerk off to some neko shota. "

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    Semper Fidelerald BMT thread

    Last appearance of Ciko monpai I think this is a different home than the one where he was thrown off a balcony and paralyzed in but not sure. I never learned what became of him, but hes probably dead
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    Semper Fidelerald BMT thread

    really puts the sad in sadistic…
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    Soygem.Party/The Shemmy/Shemmy.Tv

    https://shemmy.tv/qa/res/231816.html million tears 😢
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    Skittles MEME general

    go kill yourself
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    Semper Fidelerald BMT thread

    @Technoblade what video is this from
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    What happened to klasky?

    @Sprate Header swatted him
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    Swedishwin.com/The Swinny

    i met him personally in auroca though
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    Swedishwin.com/The Swinny

    chudraj if he lived in port of spain instead of dirty arouca slum ☠️☠️☠️☠️
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    what do you think is unsafe edgy

    2020 roblox was the closest thing to unsafee dgy
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    Swedishwin.com/The Swinny

    wuz going on bruh ☠️☠️☠️ https://swedishwin.com/int/res/1415.html
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    The shemmy got sold

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    Right Wing X The Hellenist

    this is literally this image but swap soviet 🇱🇻 for colombia🇨🇴 and lundia 🇷🇴 for gayreece 🏳️‍🌈
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    its over

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    doll wouldnt allow those gifs and froot unbanned nlp posters hismelf
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    submit content here to be featured

    if south africa killed da niggers and da joos it would collapse because of 1 mil population and south africans would taste BBC
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    the future of skibidi farms (VERY BAD NEWS)

    I would trade skibidifarms for bmtchan.
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    lmao i made it for the content submission thread how did it get on the shitty
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    2016 4chan /pol/ was proto-RWX

    because "humans arent innocent but animals are" (even though smart rodent macaquees engage in pedophilia, infanticide, necrophilia, murder, torture, cp, burglary, robbery, racism, homophobia, transphobia, nazism, colonialism, literal hierarchal race pyramids)
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    2016 4chan /pol/ was proto-RWX

    Idk, because 2020 /pol/ turned into mr. ape's hub for million pity but they moralgodded over cats