" I've been on my fair share of dark corners of the internet, but there's something about Skibidi Farms that's actually disgusting. I still feel disgruntled after only lurking for a few minutes "

Search results

  1. jimbo 2.0

    Ugly Nigger BU5T / Connor Lee Howard / Connor Leopold Moody

    Soytroon amerimutt failtroll owner of soytroon discord server soyjak.colony who larps as "unsafe edgy" but hates le evil foodists, also he puts his finger up to his ass
  2. jimbo 2.0

    Swedishwin.com/The Swinny

    Did shemmy mogged them too or what?
  3. jimbo 2.0

    The shemmy got sold

    The thread on the swinny is ready:https://skibidifarms.st/threads/swedishwin-com-the-swinny.495/
  4. jimbo 2.0

    Swedishwin.com/The Swinny

    The Swinny is a dead soytroon imageboard splinter and they can't raid for shit (just look at our thread on their raid board) THEY EVEN THINK THEY CAN RAID BIG IMAGEBOARDS LIKE KOHLCHAN LMAOOOOO https://swedishwin.com/raid/res/4472.html They also have a dead telegram GC with only 31 menbers and...
  5. jimbo 2.0

    The shemmy got sold

    Please tell me more about the swinny
  6. jimbo 2.0

    The shemmy got sold

    @Manglegirl1488 you're a janny right? Please move this to the Everything section
  7. jimbo 2.0

    The shemmy got sold

    @Jaiden Espinoza move this thread to the Everything section
  8. jimbo 2.0

    The shemmy got sold

    I was going to make a thread on soygem.party/the shemmy when i found this Do i still make a thread on them Lolcows of History style? Or do i make a thread on the swinny? Or both?
  9. jimbo 2.0


    Do you have OdiliTime's doxx?
  10. jimbo 2.0


    Endchan is a /pol/fag christcuck rulecucked no-fun-allowed dead imageboard where they only talk about DA JOOZ (wich are white and whiter than them) and they also believe that hitler was a christcuck and that the hitler's table talk was fake, you also get banned if you post O9A or satanist stuff...
  11. jimbo 2.0

    pakichud's mullah just raped me

    Levantine arabs like to larp as white too like the lebanese larping as phoenician when phoenicians went extint
  12. jimbo 2.0

    Right Wing X DTC

    He's alive https://x.com/SSfromthesidty https://sidson.city/ @Jaiden Espinoza prefix this thread as "Right Wing X"
  13. jimbo 2.0

    pakichud's mullah just raped me

    True Also DTC is still alive and it has a website @Jaiden Espinoza https://x.com/SSfromthesidty https://sidson.city/
  14. jimbo 2.0

    pakichud's mullah just raped me

    So based and right wing just like my anahuaquist mexican edit
  15. jimbo 2.0

    Right Wing X Inevitable West

    Indian RWXTroon larping as a westoid and a crypto-scammer https://x.com/inevitablewest?lang=es
  16. jimbo 2.0

    Lurking on your porfile Also since you're half filipina half indian do you live in the USA...

    Lurking on your porfile Also since you're half filipina half indian do you live in the USA, Philipines or India?
  17. jimbo 2.0


  18. jimbo 2.0

    Right Wing X mudslime RW xitter

    Kingcel is on swinny's telegram GC