New mirror: bookmark this one in case of downtime.
Instead, you find out that your one and only son, is already a pedophile, gorespammer, and a 'p addict at such a young age. You'll then ask yourself, "Where did I fail as a father?" And you keep asking that same question to yourself, decades after seeing your own child rot for his sins for the rest of your life.
I agree that the "dwinny" name sucks and i hate having to be associated with soytroon shit but tbh i don't really see how else we can shorten it to be catchy, i just went with it because wickerkid seems to have accepted it himself
also the skibidi farms video archive is fine, though we probably...
torswats just got sentenced to 48 months in prison, apparently with good behavior he could be out in 8 MONTHS, and kiwitroons are seething about it hard rn
also peep this Gemarald
Solionath is a RW-anitwt user, who, like pretty much everyone else in that sphere, has made jerking off to drawings of underage girls his entire personality, likely to compensate for a lack of genuine interests or hobbies besides watching moeshit tranime. If you're wondering what differentiates...