New mirror: bookmark this one in case of downtime.
Instead, you find out that your one and only son, is already a pedophile, gorespammer, and a 'p addict at such a young age. You'll then ask yourself, "Where did I fail as a father?" And you keep asking that same question to yourself, decades after seeing your own child rot for his sins for the rest of your life.
he's the only good ifunny user, every other notable figure hasn't been funny since like 2022 because ever since then they've just been repeating soytroon memes ad nauseam and don't even have an original culture to call their own anymore (same thing happened to rwx).
tbh most deep ifunny shit is...
nitrrogen is waaay more insufferable than slash, he's just a slightly edgier and smug variant of solionath idk why wickerkid and raidz dicksuck that retard
yeah well, theres at least a reason behind it, most people posting slash don't even know who he is and are just doing it to fit in, like solomon henderson (who i never saw interacting with him ever)
The only reason this retard is considered a "lolcow" is because someone made his facedox into a forced meme and spammed it and now everyone's just trying to act like they're in on it (as is the nature of RWX """memes""") despite knowing nothing about him.
He isn't even funny, he's just another...
As you all now, last week a Kiwi Farmer and user who went under the online username "Groidcell" committed a school shooting that injured two students and unfortunately took the life of one Josselin Corea Escalente. Press F to pay respects to these L E G E N D S
Authorities have...