" May you live in interesting times. "

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  1. sandaryan

    Swedishwin.com/The Swinny

    I still remember the time i raided their /raid/ board and cattywiped like half of it, you were the first one to help me
  2. sandaryan


    I was chilling and suddenly i heard a noise which sounded like an explosion, i didn't really think about it but then my brother came back home warning me that the houthis just did an airstrike on jeddah Wtf is happening
  3. sandaryan

    There are supposedly 200+ members on this site but there are like 10 people who post on it

    I feel like most of the members are alt accounts made by the admins to make the forum look active
  4. sandaryan

    GODnime thread

  5. sandaryan

    pakichud's mullah just raped me

    There are still people with SOME phoenician ancestry in their dna but it's mostly arabian, they're mystery meat
  6. sandaryan

    pakichud's mullah just raped me

    I've seen some arab muslims who believe that uniting with white christcucks will be the perfect solution to defeating da joos or some shit
  7. sandaryan

    pakichud's mullah just raped me

    Fuck that shitty site they always delete my pony posts
  8. sandaryan

    pakichud's mullah just raped me

    I've seen kurdish and turkic nationalists doing this same type of edits It's so cringe and white wannabe
  9. sandaryan

    Nah most of them are shitskins too, there is still a fair amount of iranians who are pale though

    Nah most of them are shitskins too, there is still a fair amount of iranians who are pale though
  10. sandaryan

    What is happening to kanye bruh

    He got banned LMFAO, ngl the antisemitic stuff was kinda funny until he started posting porn
  11. sandaryan

    kiwitrannies why are we hosting bmt links on our site

    Another reason why kiwifarms mogs this moralcuck shithole
  12. sandaryan

    Built for big paki cock

    Built for big paki cock
  13. sandaryan

    Nigger this is just whitewashing Why do yemen, UAE and kuwait look white as snow when in reality...

    Nigger this is just whitewashing Why do yemen, UAE and kuwait look white as snow when in reality everyone knows they're brown as shit And they also gave syria, lebanon and turkey racial features they don't even have
  14. sandaryan

    Boiii ts is so friggin tuff🗿🫱

    Boiii ts is so friggin tuff🗿🫱
  15. sandaryan

    What is happening to kanye bruh

  16. sandaryan

    should i create bmtchan?

  17. sandaryan

    should i create bmtchan?

    Just change discordalways.win domain's name to bmtchan.org or something (when it's up again)
  18. sandaryan

    gnarpedia is down

  19. sandaryan

    gnarpedia is down
