" Sure, this person who extorted children into producing CSAM was in the server where people were trading CSAM, but that's just a coincidence! He wasn't a member, he was just there! There's no connection here, goy! STOP NOTICING THINGS!!! "

Search results

  1. sandaryan


    Talking about cobsontalks, i actually used to watch all of his streams before he made his own cord and got famous between shartroons I got "perm banned" from his live chat multiple times but it was most likely all joke bans since his mods still let me post on his live chats normally after like 2...
  2. sandaryan

    I just stole the 77777 chinny GET and swinnycucks are seething about it, i just can't stop winning bros...

    I try to steal GETs as easy as possible, the easiest way to steal GETs for me is to spam random letters on my keyboard and post it
  3. sandaryan


    >soycord Are you talking about cobsontalks's cord or soyjak colony? Or another thing?
  4. sandaryan

    I just stole the 77777 chinny GET and swinnycucks are seething about it, i just can't stop winning bros...

    I think i archived it but i lost the link๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ
  5. sandaryan


    Never letting them forget this massive fail QEQ
  6. sandaryan

    Scullyposting thread

    Wtf happened to my former posts Anyway 2nd bump
  7. sandaryan

    @Klasky Csupo THDTC TSPL

    That's the gif i linked
  8. sandaryan

    @Klasky Csupo THDTC TSPL

  9. sandaryan

    Zoophilic semper fidel

    Fucking horses is white culture
  10. sandaryan

    Gnarpedia/NoLimitsPedia Embassy Thread

    Add a page talking about how much i'm aryan and white
  11. sandaryan


    Why did you shut down the main domain
  12. sandaryan

    Post your goonfuel here

    I already have this gif saved lol
  13. sandaryan

    Post your goonfuel here

  14. sandaryan

    I just stole the 77777 chinny GET and swinnycucks are seething about it, i just can't stop winning bros...

    https://chud.win/pol/res/77722.html https://swedishwin.com/soy/res/20599.html