" you will NEVER GUESS what the "IRONIC" PEDOPHILE RING openly admitted to distributing!!!!! 😱😱😱 "

Search results

  1. Wickerkid

    put discordalways.win back up pls

    Still looking for a VPS that won't get raeped instantly (unless you guys can tolerate minor rulecuckery like no animal/child gore) @Jaiden Espinoza what do you plan to use for bmtchan? dms if necessary
  2. Wickerkid

    Gnarpedia/NoLimitsPedia Embassy Thread

    nolimitspedia.st now temporarily host's gnarpedia's content until i find a new domain you might have to clear your browser cache when inputting "nolimitspedia.st" otherwise it will redirect to gnarpedia still
  3. Wickerkid

    Gnarpedia Down?

    it didn't, soytroons reported it. anyway gnarpedia is on nolimitspedia.st temporarily for now
  4. Wickerkid

    Website domain suggestions for an internet service ranking

    njalla.sucks (violenttransitiveverb)njal.la
  5. Wickerkid

    put discordalways.win back up pls

    Yes and (You) make a good candidate for one so I'll dm you mod credentials when the site goes back up
  6. Wickerkid

    put discordalways.win back up pls

    It will be back up on lynxchan later, though I'll still be on hiatus for a while afterward
  7. Wickerkid

    What a dead nigger baby might aswell shut it down again or just make it a redirect to an actual good site like the sharty

    Why u hate on us so much? We're like the only group that hasn't exiled you
  8. Wickerkid

    Damage control thread

    ITT We recollect important posts from the past week that were lost due the hosting provider glorping us
  9. Wickerkid

    BBC Slut Manglegirl88 / Manglegirllol / Mae

    You should've tried extorted her into drawing Gnarko porn (which she definitely would've complied with rather than whatever other orders you gave her) before posting this but whatever
  10. Wickerkid

    Race Traitor Null / Joshua Conner Moon / James Gabriel Potter

    I thought he was an unironically an international fugitive hiding out in Serbia, did the US pardon him or something
  11. Wickerkid

    Semper Fidelerald Gnarko thread

    glorpable 😭 💢 💢
  12. Wickerkid

    Zoonomaly thread

    Unfortunately soyfaggots (particularly Pearchud) are coopting Zoonomaly edits (something this circle cultivated) right now. Might as well make a thread dedicated to the meme before it gets thoroughly raeped
  13. Wickerkid


  14. Wickerkid

    Right Wing X Protector Of The West / @Protectthewest8

    I thought you lived in Iraq
  15. Wickerkid

    Right Wing X RW Ewhores / Femboys / Fags

    the plapping
  16. Wickerkid

    Right Wing X RW Ewhores / Femboys / Fags

    whiteboi BBC plapping BNWO
  17. Wickerkid

    I'm gnarp like us

    I'm gnarp like us
  18. Wickerkid


    Neither. He's obviously fluent (even eloquent) in English but struggles with certain names that were recently introduced to him, so probably a case of dyslexia/early aphasia. Suenonym is neurodivergent like many of us on this website :paulmorris: