" Instead, you find out that your one and only son, is already a pedophile, gorespammer, and a 'p addict at such a young age. You'll then ask yourself, "Where did I fail as a father?" And you keep asking that same question to yourself, decades after seeing your own child rot for his sins for the rest of your life. "

Search results

  1. W

    Right Wing X James G. Chew / Nuclear

    Informative post otherwise, but Nuclear quite literally bragged about swatting me in Itay's DMs (of which the timing was extremely coincidental), and the (very limited) information the police gave me semi-confirmed he committed it anyway. I don't understand why you are so hellbent on dying on...
  2. W

    Elaine Miller / Pisscow

  3. W


    Suey is having a paranoid schizophrenic episode again lmao
  4. W

    Skibidi Farms Video Archive

    Skibidi Farms now has an official YouTube channel. It will serve as a repository for our OC, as well as a method of shilling our websites to the normalfag masses. https://www.youtube.com/@SkibidiFarmsVideoArchive As of writing, it currently only has one upload: You can post videos you'd like...
  5. W

    BBC Slut EpikBirb

    Update: EpikBirb is being sued by the transgender Touhou cosplayer now. He posted the court documents "privately" in DMs like a retard, in which they were immediately leaked.
  6. W

    Welcome to Skibidi Farms!

    Welcome to Skibidi Farms!
  7. W

    Happy holidays

    Thank you☺️☺️will be celebrating Kwanzaa tomorrow with my family
  8. W

    Semper Fidelerald Morris Posting General

    Morris the Steak vs FoodistUTTP764Pedo
  9. W

    Semper Fidelerald Lewd Lolicon n Shotacon

    You live in a house that is long
  10. W

    Official Roblox Group

    JOIN UP https://www.roblox.com/communities/35351200/Roblox-Sprate-Headers#! https://www.roblox.com/communities/35351200/Roblox-Sprate-Headers#! https://www.roblox.com/communities/35351200/Roblox-Sprate-Headers#! OWNED BY @noctuliannigga333
  11. W

    Semper Fidelerald Morris Posting General

    My morris folder so far
  12. W

    Trans Queen "Jim" / James Augustine née James Patrick O'Shaughnessy / Mister Metokur / Jim81Jim / Internet Aristocrat

    Hasn't this nigga had lung cancer for half a decade? When is he going to keel over and die so I can mock his death already
  13. W

    Semper Fidelerald /CHG/ - Cat Hate General

    Fun fact, the vast majority of cat "people" are quite literally infected with a parasite called toxoplasmosis (which originates from cat feces (cue zoocoprophilia jokes)). This parasite causes altered brain chemistry/behavioral changes, specifically leading the host to subconciously apotheosize...
  14. W

    Skibidi Farms Thread on Kiwi Farms

    That thread (other than Morris' OP) has literally no reason to exist. It's just a repository for kiwishotabrats to whine about their favorite unassociated boogeyman of choice (of whom have already been "documented" in other threads anyway lul)
  15. W

    Skibidi Toilet Haters

    In light of recent events (Skibidi Toilet being added to Fortnite): (gnarpedia.org/view/Skibidi_Toilet#Reception)
  16. W

    Garn47/Floombo/Angel Morales

    Please refer to before posting, thank you
  17. W


    There is https://www.tuxlervpn.com/ but you are essentially surrendering your IP to a botnet by using it.