" you will NEVER GUESS what the "IRONIC" PEDOPHILE RING openly admitted to distributing!!!!! 😱😱😱 "

Search results

  1. Wickerkid


    onEvidence has now consulted their legal team in response to "harassment & impersonation" (mounting accusations of the aforementioned child exploitation ring).
  2. Wickerkid

    Trans Queen Suenonym

    He has a new signature: "Apertor pyxides" What did he mean by this?🤔🤔🤔
  3. Wickerkid

    Fictional characters you jerk your penis off and cum to thread

    Oops wrong subforum. MOOOOOOOOODS
  4. Wickerkid

    Total Nigger Death and Nigger Gore Thread

    Will they be ok?
  5. Wickerkid

    Roblox hate spreaders

    You should title the group "Sprate Headers". "Hate Spreaders" would just get shoah'd instantly tbh
  6. Wickerkid

    Right Wing X DTC

    I have a couple mp3s. Sadly didn't record some parts including the beginning of the vc where he violently insulted me and then immediately faltered after I informed him I know of his csamic tendencies lmao He also sperged out in my dms post-call
  7. Wickerkid

    Incel Cope General

    fpbp /thread Anyway I loathe women but incels kvetch about them for the wrong reasons (not recieving sex). Robowaifus/husbandos will exist circa 2040 so they should just take the goonpill and hold out until then.
  8. Wickerkid

    My stance on LGBT

    Current Catnapocalypse/TFD whitelist: Trollcow Bella the Wolf/Gacha Life players Overweight black women (for comedy relief) Sub3 women (for suppressing male sex drives) Fujoshis (for drawing gay porn) Camerawomen, Speakerwomen, and TVwomen Astro Duchess My mom Peter Scully's girlfriend/female...
  9. Wickerkid

    My stance on LGBT

    Should be the opposite way around
  10. Wickerkid

    Right Wing X DTC

    He deactivated his Xitter after I "extorted" (threatened to tip him to the fbi for posting cp) him lmfao
  11. Wickerkid

    osaker daiohwanger

    osaker daiohwanger
  12. Wickerkid

    Right Wing X DTC

  13. Wickerkid

    Right Wing X DTC

    DTC (DeeTeeSee) is a Latinx (Spanitard-Mexicunt-Cucklombian), Siberian-eskimo-passing, Fetal-Alcohol-Syndrome-having, soytranny-orbiting, furry-femdom-gooning, christ-cock-worshipping, alleged child-porn-requesting, fraudmaxxed mongrel abomination Right Wing Xitter™ user and """artist"""...
  14. Wickerkid

    Right Wing X Itay Sabovich / itay

    Looks like itayposting has already taken off. I do feel kinda bad considering I unwittingly fed him directly to the wolves of nazi/christcuck/mullahlarp rwx (who are leagues worse than itay himself) but oh well
  15. Wickerkid

    add a laugh react

    I suggest we just steal the one from looksmax.org. Laughing emoji spam is skibidifarms kulchur anyway
  16. Wickerkid

    Right Wing X Itay Sabovich / itay

    A friend told me and Itay inadvertently confirmed it later What Jaiden said + poor hygiene and diet. Also prior to the facedox this jigga claimed to be white and threw around "brown" as an insult lmao
  17. Wickerkid

    Semper Fidelerald ChristSeVen

    Honestly I'm not even inclined to hate any of the Kiwitroons; if anything, I pity them. They're probably all balding soylennials who failed at some point in their lives and now have nothing better to do other than drone over Inconsequential Online Innerwebz Drama™.
  18. Wickerkid

    Right Wing X Itay Sabovich / itay

    Itay, legal name Itay Sabovich (yes, he really used his forename as his online "pseudonym") is a 16-year-old, fat, dysgenic, Mizrahi Jew known for holding a grudge against Skibidi Farms and being a (albeit low-ranking) member of the RGGC. Facepics: He had a privated Xitter account he used...