" Sprate Header Groomed Me "

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    Goytroon.childporny should have been permanently shut down either after kuz's initial purchase or kuz's departure when he announced he had aids
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    @Kiwi Farms

    We are laughing at you in shoutbox rn (which you are presumably unable to access due to the fact you don't have an account on this website) 🤣 🤣 🤣
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    I honestly never found this guy really remarkable compared to any of the previous soytroon.shitty admins (though I'm not knowledgeable on his history in the first place) and his status as the owner of that absolute hellsite predisposes me to hate him. However, in recent times he has been...
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    We got 🚬 No Limits❌🇦🇺 Fun :ROFLMAO:🧒 on Skibidi 🚽 Farms 🤣🐄🥛before GTA 6 🚗💀

    We got 🚬 No Limits❌🇦🇺 Fun :ROFLMAO:🧒 on Skibidi 🚽 Farms 🤣🐄🥛before GTA 6 🚗💀
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    Trans Queen Suenonym

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    Right Wing X Pearchudohio

    Sadly, no. By his own admission he lives in Ohio (not just because of the meme), but that's all we know so far. He'll get a hubris check soon enough considering the fact he plasters his hideous castizo-atlantid pizzaface everywhere he goes online though
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    Right Wing X Pearchudohio

    Just a fair warning, he usually immediately blocks anyone he can't properly bantz against (i.e. amoralfags); I know from experience. If you larp as a tranny/another dissident rightoid then he'll most definitely bite (he'll think you're easy pickings for his tardwrangled slave audience (soytroons)).
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    Semper Fidelerald Image thread

    Religion lost 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣:LOL::LOL::LOL::LOL::LOL::LOL::LOL:😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
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    We got🔎on🇪vidence 📁🕵️‍♂️on Skibidi 🚽 Farms 🤣🐄🥛before GTA 6 🚗💀

    We got🔎on🇪vidence 📁🕵️‍♂️on Skibidi 🚽 Farms 🤣🐄🥛before GTA 6 🚗💀
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    Semper Fidelerald Image thread

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    [CLOSED] dont bother even looking here

    >BFDI porn lover Is there supposed to be a problem with that?
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    Pony_Horse48: "Suicidal" (attentionwhore) rightoid faggot

    He has a new Discord server: discord.gg/FWmSU8ughp Join at your own accord 🤭
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    Trans Queen Lily

    nigga embed your images by clicking the insert button and then thumbnail
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    Rebecca Louise Spinx address here:

    >Redistribute FBI funding to make these online child predator networks the #1 priority How is it possible to be this delusionmaxxed lmfao
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    What are your fetishes?

    i dont know i dont know the real answer
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    2A (2nd Amendment) / American Pro-Gun twitter

    Klasky is right - is it astonishingly fucking easy to generate seethe from these people. There were instances where I left my monitor for no more than two minutes and came back to 30+ notifications of pure unadulterated conservasperg tardrage. You'd literally have to see it to believe it...
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    Cuckservative Right-wing X / The "Woke right"

    It boils down to the the blatantly murderous conservatard power fantasies we've observed over the past couple of days. The main argument is that they're required for "self defense," which is really fucking retarded considering the vast majority of people will go their entire lifetime without...