" you will NEVER GUESS what the "IRONIC" PEDOPHILE RING openly admitted to distributing!!!!! 😱😱😱 "

Search results

  1. Wickerkid

    I can't say I've ever really "read" him but I know he was an ardent BL and anti-c*cklectivist...

    I can't say I've ever really "read" him but I know he was an ardent BL and anti-c*cklectivist which gets an automatic thumbs up from me
  2. Wickerkid

    Do you adhere to any religious beliefs? If so what are they

    Do you adhere to any religious beliefs? If so what are they
  3. Wickerkid

    Pony_Horse48: "Suicidal" (attentionwhore) rightoid faggot

    I have zero sympathy to spare for people who kill themselves, ESPECIALLY those who attentionwhore about it beforehand. No one is going to throw you a pity party in eternal oblivion retard. Also, the only respectable forms of suicides are 1). Murder-suicides and 2). livestreamed/recorded...
  4. Wickerkid

    Weekends & Holidays suck

    Reminder that cuckstains coopted Christmas by attaching phantoms of the mind designed to control you such as "Santa" and "the naughty list" to it when in reality Christmas is purely materalistic (aka the only rational ideology) and people's worth is determined by how many presents they were able...
  5. Wickerkid

    I like your pfp, it is cute

    I like your pfp, it is cute
  6. Wickerkid

    After the post-catnapocalyptic BNWO is established all schoolchildren shall be reindoctrinated...

    After the post-catnapocalyptic BNWO is established all schoolchildren shall be reindoctrinated with mandatory reading of proto-Foodist literature, Niggelian metaphysics and The Phenomenology of BBC
  7. Wickerkid

    >/ss/ 🤮🤮🤮

    >/ss/ 🤮🤮🤮
  8. Wickerkid

    BBC Slut Paul Morris / Sprate Header

    Someone (presumably onEvidence) is trying to take down my YouTube videos exposing Projects Director Paul Morris by sending privacy complaints (copyright strikes) that cite timestamps showing pictures of his infamous face, further confirming his dox: Contents of the second email: For...
  9. Wickerkid

    What if we started a white genocide?

    White genocide isn't necessary anyway since we have already been completely outclassed by China >zero inflation >zero poverty >10x military size of nato >head of global cefeng system (UN) Meanwhile decadent whitoid society is mindsing by an inescapable Jewish-AngloidNWO iron grip. Our only...
  10. Wickerkid

    TCoAaL Thread

    I headcanonized NTRing the foid by forcing her to hopelessly watch her love interest (the brother) get fucked by me (metaphysical incest) dipshit low sexual iq fake horny nigger
  11. Wickerkid

    TCoAaL Thread

    I wanna fuuck the guy from this game
  12. Wickerkid

    Right Wing X James G. Chew / Nuclear

    James G. Chew, or Nuclear, is an ugly, pizzafaced, britbong, moesludge-addicted quasi-tranny, failed-atheist orthodox-larping, unremarkable failtroll known only for being a prominent member of the Right Wing Xitter-based ReportGOD gc, whom we have a raid thread on. He himself is quite boring...
  13. Wickerkid

    Gnarpedia/NoLimitsPedia Embassy Thread

    Yeah seems fine to me, I only ask of editors to make pages comfortable to read (see: wikipedia) and not a hieroglyphic templatespam clusterfuck (see: soytroon.wiki) If you want to create a new article simply add your desired title after "/view/" like this...
  14. Wickerkid

    Mental health thread

    i don't like my life and have to change it because i'm not on vacation every single day (i dont love my occupation)
  15. Wickerkid


    Idea: Subtly shilling SF/NLP by including their URLs in all new OC you make (regardless if related to this sphere or not)
  16. Wickerkid

    I want to have child sex with kel from omori

    I want to have child sex with kel from omori
  17. Wickerkid

    Raid on reportgod.group / ReportGOD GC

    They made another thread on us: https://reportgod.group/b/thread/1970.html One of the users specifically has a vendetta against our dear @Manglegirl1488 I was banned for a year by Nuclear. He must have been patrolling jschan's recent posts section, which is funny considering how fucking dead...
  18. Wickerkid


    onEvidence (onevidence.co.uk) is a British "consulting agency", that, while appearing innocent, is currently masterminding a mass-scale child stalking/grooming, money laundering, and offshore-sponsored animal abuse operation spearheaded by the company's co-founder and "Projects Director", Paul...
  19. Wickerkid

    DDoS Recording Thread

    Use this thread to record DDoS attempts on the website. Nov 10, 2024: Guest count skyrocketed upward to 5000+ within the span of a couple minutes Website hasn't become any slower though, and the guest count is already slowly retreating. fail 🤣🤣🫵🫵