" May you live in interesting times. "

Search results

  1. Wickerkid

    Trans Queen Yuri Mikhailovich Kuznetsov / kuz / k♡♡z / Carter J. Kuznets

    True! A short compilation of posts made under his IPs: (Kuz's IP's were and, both located in Tennessee) That's a raped chinchilla in the OP image btw + a lot more faGODtry Kuz also posted the infamous cat blender video with apathy at one point:
  2. Wickerkid

    Race Traitor Null / Joshua Conner Moon / James Gabriel Potter

    Null is a zoophile. His neko shota fetish spiraled (over the course of over a decade) into full blown animalfuckery which is why wherever he goes online he avatarfags as a cartoon dog, why he specifically haraunged kuz for allowing BMT on his sites like vidlii, and why he frequents the animal...
  3. Wickerkid


    ShotaKINGS: Ancient Greece Roman aristocrats Ovid Feudal Japan Ancient China Ottomans (righteous successors of Rome) Leonardo Da Vinci Michael Jackson The Pope The entirety of the Catholic Church Mehmet II Schopenhauer probably Nietzsche probably Ali Pasha Mr. Swirl Null The Dalai Lama Judge...
  4. Wickerkid

    Gnarpedia/NoLimitsPedia Embassy Thread

    Yes, it's the same database still
  5. Wickerkid

    Skibidi Farms signature

    So, you know how Kiwi Farm's URL is placed below the usernames of posters on the forum? It should be implemented here as a means of passive advertising. If someone screenshots a post, our URL will be visible thus boosting traffic and increasing the notoriety of the site
  6. Wickerkid

    Fuck them kids

    Doesn't belong in Unimportant Retarded Nonsense
  7. Wickerkid

    uhm *blushes* hi nigga

    uhm *blushes* hi nigga
  8. Wickerkid

    Raid on reportgod.group / ReportGOD GC

    The owner of the .group domain is Identity Digital, who apparently has a good record when it comes to responding to reports and user complaints. We'll do what we will with that information :null:
  9. Wickerkid

    Raid on reportgod.group / ReportGOD GC

    I am not exactly antiquated as to what the "reportGOD gc" is but I have in recent times been spending some time trolling RwX fags and I have heard them consistently mentioned by said community. Apparently they're some clique of moeshit addicted quasi-trannies that just go around and mass report...
  10. Wickerkid

    Klasky Csupo thread

  11. Wickerkid

    The Silly Cat Codex

    Slobbermutt the Based Right Wing Dog
  12. Wickerkid


    Can we get confetti? Anyways semper fidelis @Jaiden Espinoza
  13. Wickerkid

    the thug ruined it

    the thug ruined it
  14. Wickerkid

    Semper Fidelerald BMT thread

  15. Wickerkid

    kiwitroons are trying to get NCMEC involved

    We're literally the victims in this situation, we haven't done anything but playfully tease them (which they interpret as "trolling" for some reason) and in return they have launched an entire harassment/smear campaign against us
  16. Wickerkid

    Benjamin Robert Simon / Ruben Sim

    Doxbin's most recent paste on Ruben states he still lives in Arizona: https://doxbin.org/upload/RubenSimDox *cue soytroon glazer cringe* Anyway, the environment surrounding his alleged address (and Arizona in general) lines up with an old YouTube short of his where he zoosadists some dead...
  17. Wickerkid


    Roughly a day's worth of content has been lost after 1984 nuked the website unfortunately. Atleast those wonderful kiwis archived some of the more noteworthy posts for us! Noticed in record time:
  18. Wickerkid

    Gnarpedia/NoLimitsPedia Embassy Thread

    nolimitspedia.st is the new domain. This one shouldn't get taken down this time. Sorry for my retardation (again) :story:
  19. Wickerkid

    Benjamin Robert Simon / Ruben Sim

    Ruben's audience is also severely autistic, evidenced by some of the OC created by them (unironically):