" May you live in interesting times. "

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  1. N

    Kiwi Farms thread spam script

    simpler fields
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    Sketchy Minecraft Mod

    Idk what we did to him but i know the cat in his banner can do some major deepthroating with that mouth ❤️
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    Li Yuwei / p0008874

    soychads won against foodists anyway GEEEG o algo
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    burning in hell because the british police's content is better

    burning in hell because the british police's content is better
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    BBC Slut Ihatemonkeys666 / lviv

    you guys are so hot
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    Ugly Nigger Lounge 96 Wiki

    its easy to get banned from kiwifarms, just piss off null's terf army
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    All the times Null mentioned us (or associates)

    the funny (or sad) thing is, if you were to ask them which is worse, swatting or pedophilia, they'd all say pedophilia. some may even make arguments for swatting being based. For a site owned by a guy who's gotten off to shotacon, defended pedophilia on and offsite, they are bigger moralfags...
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    you can see a bit of the caption, im surprised sharty jannies accepted the image Soytroon asking how to stop the evil skibidipedos, sharty's bot-like posters respond negatively. oopsies anyways im stopping now, this was late at night for most mutts so the site and raid were slow paced. i...
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    apparently im part of the foodists now
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    Why are they so obsessed?

    oh no the isis gore spammer found us out. time to systemctl stop nginx before its too late!
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    https://soyjak.st/soy/thread/9561746.html ive been shitting up this raid by spamming images of skibidifarms logo and map/epi goon captions to fuck with soyshits so far, nothing. but they seemed to have given up or taken a break
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    Ugly Nigger Lounge 96 Wiki

    is this where people who got banned from kiwifarms and then onionfarms go to
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    slay sister youre such a diva

    slay sister youre such a diva
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    Skibidi Farms Thread on Kiwi Farms

    funny to think its the other way around
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    it is now dead
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    BBC Slut "Chudette"/ Alice Ivanov

    bitch lives in the middle of nowhere anyways sent her a Quran may allah fix her (assuming it even arrives lol, theres like 7 muslims in iowa)
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    soytroons using "my content is better"

    soycucks, i thought we were chuddy nazi doxers against the evil map forum, why are we enriching their culture?
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    BBC Slut Ihatemonkeys666 / lviv

    can you guys erp