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  1. Jaiden Espinoza

    Rebecca Louise Spinx address here:

    she's secretly one of us
  2. Jaiden Espinoza

    Why the age of consent is arbitrary, flawed, and harmful (and should not exist).

    we welcome everyone here regardless of what you like or believe :fact:
  3. Jaiden Espinoza


    moved this thread to raids since i think it would be more appropriate there
  4. Jaiden Espinoza

    Is this chink right?

    >hispano-teutons >mormon-catholic
  5. Jaiden Espinoza


  6. Jaiden Espinoza

    Right Wing X Rape Niggers / Rape Farms

    an insanely safe edgy community dedicated to nigger hate, and obviously it's inhabited by manglegirl and other soytroons if anybody gives a shit i've attached a dump of their server which is invite only
  7. Jaiden Espinoza

    should i create bmtchan?

    https://bmtchan.fun/ bmtchan is now open
  8. Jaiden Espinoza

    Outage thread

    server had networking issues for like an hour but it should be fixed now
  9. Jaiden Espinoza

    wtf you're supposed to be dead and burning in hell

    wtf you're supposed to be dead and burning in hell
  10. Jaiden Espinoza

    kiwi bird eating da grass on da farm

    i wanna fuck that thing :slobre:
  11. Jaiden Espinoza

    This video represent the 2016 /pol/troon mindset

    it's funny this is all the opposite now
  12. Jaiden Espinoza

    Outage thread

    server was acting very weird today, replaced it with a new server temporarily
  13. Jaiden Espinoza

    should i create bmtchan?

    i'm thinking of making a lynxchan frontend that's like vichan but for now i'll hold off that and release this thang already
  14. Jaiden Espinoza

    should i create bmtchan?

    i want to release it but my server host is being an esl foodist jartycuck as i've been getting too many networking issues on it to the point i can't access my server or the panel
  15. Jaiden Espinoza

    DDoS Recording Thread

    March 8th, 2025: this one actually did do something
  16. Jaiden Espinoza

    Skibidi Farms Thread on Kiwi Farms

    soytroon thinks bmtchan is a successor to discordalways.win 🤦‍♂️
  17. Jaiden Espinoza

    DDoS Recording Thread

    March 7th, 2025: poor man's ddos
  18. Jaiden Espinoza

    should i create bmtchan?

    bmtchan is almost ready btw
  19. Jaiden Espinoza

    New to Skibidifarms

    welcome and enjoy your stay