" Instead, you find out that your one and only son, is already a pedophile, gorespammer, and a 'p addict at such a young age. You'll then ask yourself, "Where did I fail as a father?" And you keep asking that same question to yourself, decades after seeing your own child rot for his sins for the rest of your life. "

Search results

  1. Jaiden Espinoza

    Right Wing X Right Wing X

    did we lose?
  2. Jaiden Espinoza

    pakichud's mullah just raped me

    but then slashvril came and saved my ass but after that he proceeded to say "guys i got raped yesterday" then i said "bro" feeling sad we went to james g. chew's house and did an axel in harlem roleplay but in the way stood pearchud who came ronnie mcnutted in front of us and showed us dead...
  3. Jaiden Espinoza

    Right Wing X Inevitable West

    he's an annoying faggot who gets in my timeline often (literally the only redeeming quality about him is that he's an indianCHAD)
  4. Jaiden Espinoza

    submit content here to be featured

    i'll be rotating it around every once in a while submissions can be anything
  5. Jaiden Espinoza

    what do you think is unsafe edgy

    making fun of br*tish and fr*nch "people"
  6. Jaiden Espinoza

    I'm bored

    we dindu nuffin and we still get punished for it
  7. Jaiden Espinoza

    I'm bored

    my discord account got disabled a few days ago and i'm too lazy to create a new one
  8. Jaiden Espinoza

    What is happening to kanye bruh

    jews do not associate with wh*te devil doe
  9. Jaiden Espinoza

    should i create bmtchan?

    probably like in a week i'm busy with school work
  10. Jaiden Espinoza

    Kiwifarms And The Harassment Of Brian Nuckols

    brian nuckols didn't even say anything over the top and karenfarmers still think he's like an evil pedo who raped 27168179161 trillion children
  11. Jaiden Espinoza

    Kiwifarms And The Harassment Of Brian Nuckols

    @Selena Futanari shin edit of brian nuckols when
  12. Jaiden Espinoza

    I want to join 764

    to join 726 you have to stomp on a bug and then send a pic to the evil foodistuttp764pedos
  13. Jaiden Espinoza

    Kiwi Farms thread spam script

    you'll have to edit the text variable at the top of the script
  14. Jaiden Espinoza

    Kiwi Farms thread spam script

    that was me testing out the script lol
  15. Jaiden Espinoza

    Kiwi Farms thread spam script

    here it is in action
  16. Jaiden Espinoza

    Kiwi Farms thread spam script

    i made this script to spam threads on kiwi farms instructions: go to a subforum's main page (like this one) put the script below in your browser console and let it spam var title = "I LOVE ANIMAL SHIT"; var text = "I LOVE ANIMAL SHIT"; setInterval(async ()=>{ function randomize(){ return...
  17. Jaiden Espinoza


  18. Jaiden Espinoza

    Sudden spark in activity

    they're shitting on and doxing brian nuckols for doing honest journalism
  19. Jaiden Espinoza

    should i create bmtchan?

    i already purchased bmtchan.fun