" We all know the skeevy cesspit that is OF, but skibidi is something swatter, pedophile, and animal torture fan Elaine Miller made. "

Search results

  1. arkaim

    Everything related to right-wing trannies, femboys, faggots, etc.

    Why are chudclits like this?
  2. arkaim

    what is this thing

    Which ones? Are you half white?
  3. arkaim

    what is this thing

  4. arkaim

    what is this thing

    Are you inbred?
  5. arkaim

    Sandpeople discussion thread

    1. Why do they look so mentally challenged? Many of them, especially dudes, look like rat children of pakistan. 2. Why do they treat cousin marriage like an obligation? 50% cousin marriage rate is way too high for random choice. 3. Why is every middle eastern country is a shithole (even if its...
  6. arkaim

    Modern architecture is soy

    Modern architecture is used by (them) to make everything look unserious and childlike so you will be demoralized like inmates in pink jail.
  7. arkaim

    Oriental and deceased may be the same person

    O Bothered armeniggers from soybooru
  8. arkaim


  9. arkaim

    Armenia won

    Shlog literal doesnt work
  10. arkaim

    Armenia won

    Make a booru account, you'll find me easily (search frederica_sawyer on booru)
  11. arkaim

    Armenia won

    How do i find you on booru?
  12. arkaim

    Armenia won

    That one who posted his own face?
  13. arkaim

    Armenia won

    >avatar OH NO ITS 0M0RIPEDO
  14. arkaim

    Armenia won

    Friendship is magic
  15. arkaim

    Oriental and deceased may be the same person

    Of course when OrientalTrollface account was dead deceased_african_adolescent was posting and now its vice versa. They are the same person btw.
  16. arkaim


    Exterminate all homosexuals and fascism will vanish
  17. arkaim

    Armenia won

    Armenia lost to Azerbaijan