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  1. minus764

    Making up random boogeyman names for kiwifags to seethe over

    this is the work of an obscure clan i think i encountered decades years ago
  2. minus764

    hi vx

    hi vx
  3. minus764

    Skibidi Farms signature

    yes, this feature would probably be a good way for people to know that these posts come from this forum. what other ways could this site be advertised?
  4. minus764

    Making up random boogeyman names for kiwifags to seethe over

    this is snopes verified as TRUE
  5. minus764

    The shoutbox needs to be used more often

    even though it's a forum, we should use the shoutbox instead of having 3rd party groups to chat on like discord servers imho. it's better for user retention and makes skibidifarms less fractured in the process also i have no clue if anyone else uses it but we should also try and use the dms on...
  6. minus764

    Making up random boogeyman names for kiwifags to seethe over

    i heard there was this scary person who goes by the handle "anonymous," maybe kiwifags should look into them
  7. minus764

    Trans Queen Suenonym

    zoodistuttp764pedos love CP (clay.party)
  8. minus764

    Semper Fidelerald StrawberryDouche / Alia Alexander / Alia Hypatia / alia0tk

    people on kiwi farms tend to call every dox not sanctioned by or against them a faildox. if the author of the paste is trollcow then the dox will automatically be discredited due to the fact she found the info
  9. minus764

    The OFFICIAL Kiwifarms Cringe thread

    i want whatever suenonym is smoking in this post right here:
  10. minus764


  11. minus764

    favorite anime

    my favorite anime is konosuba
  12. minus764

    BBC Slut Paul Morris / Sprate Header

    ive noticed this when browsing the threads. most seem more into documenting lolcows while complaining about every single thing they've done rather than enjoying the stupidity of the lolcow's antics and laughing at them
  13. minus764

    BBC Slut Paul Morris / Sprate Header

    why would kiwi farms seethe over this if the owner likes shotas?
  14. minus764

    im not a zoomer

  15. minus764


    hello, Skibidi Farms. I am minus764. i am pretty cool, if I do say so myself :yay:. i request a lot of epic reactions faggots