" Alright, time to jerk off to some neko shota. "

Search results

  1. N

    Where do YOU get your animal gore from?

    I cannot find any gore websites that also share animal gore videos, and I'm too lazy to find tele channels. I've only been able to get a few videos from deadhouse.org and that's it. I have also bookmarked the chinese "LOVCAT" website where they post videos of them torturing and killing cats but...
  2. N

    Semper Fidelerald /CHG/ - Cat Hate General

    Yeah, they are the dnieprovsk maniacs. Before becoming serial killers and creating the semperfiderald known as "3 guys 1 hammer" , they killed stray cats and dogs. video unrelated
  3. N

    Semper Fidelerald BMT thread

    how the fuck do i download videos nigga?!?