" for guys who like to LARP as edgelords they sure do pearl clutch, their /raid/ board is filled with soyteens crying over lolicon and shotacon. "

Search results

  1. jimbo

    The Falklands are British

    Here https://t.me/angelcynnchannel/445
  2. jimbo

    Everything related to right-wing trannies, femboys, faggots, etc.

    >NikFemboy >that pfp Yup xe's a groyper KEEEEEEEEEEEK
  3. jimbo

    BBC Slut Brandon Martinez/Zander Huerta/Martinez Perspective/Martinez Politix

    Morrocan-sephardic canuck that larps as a medchad, shills NazCap and has a black boyfriend
  4. jimbo

    Bronze Age Pervert / Costin Alamariu and associates

    Romanian gay jew on xitter that shills Israel as " le epic Ashkenazi aryan ethnostate in the middle east!1!!"
  5. jimbo

    Race Traitor Null / Joshua Conner Moon / James Gabriel Potter

    Null is a jew o algo
  6. jimbo

    Ethan Ralph

    Gunt WABAG
  7. jimbo

    The Falklands are British

    You too?
  8. jimbo

    Everything related to right-wing trannies, femboys, faggots, etc.

    They all share the Giggly Goonclown phenotype Also Ashkenazi aryan jews>>>>>>>>>>>shitskinned troonfaggot neo-nazis
  9. jimbo

    The Falklands are British

    The Falklands will always be English, whether you like it or not. If these islands became the property of Argentina, they would only be a third-world pigsty full of slum-dwellers who dance cumbias, since Argentina creates nothing but misery and poverty. Meanwhile, under the Anglo-Germanic...
  10. jimbo

    Armenia won

    It works doe also it would be gemmy having you there
  11. jimbo

    Armenia won

    No thanks, but you should make a shlog account
  12. jimbo

    Armenia won

    I don't use booru but i use shlog
  13. jimbo

    Armenia won

  14. jimbo

    You should make an account on soyjak.blog

    You should make an account on soyjak.blog
  15. jimbo

    Armenia won

    No i'm the cuban from the chinny
  16. jimbo

    Armenia won

  17. jimbo

    Armenia won

    We should unite them all and teach them love and friendship
  18. jimbo

    Armenia won

    The Ottoman Empire fell and the Armenian people prevailed, Armenia is a prosperous nation while Turkey is cuckolded by Syria, Afghanistan, Pakistan and NATO in different ways. Therefore the future white Ethnostate of Patagonia will be above all pro-Armenian, as the Armenians are of Indo-European...
  19. jimbo

    Al-Andalus were aryan mudslimes or something

    @sandaryan GTFIH