" Sure, this person who extorted children into producing CSAM was in the server where people were trading CSAM, but that's just a coincidence! He wasn't a member, he was just there! There's no connection here, goy! STOP NOTICING THINGS!!! "

Search results

  1. jimbo

    Al-Andalus were aryan mudslimes or something

    Even doe it was an arab caliphate it had also a berber, muladi (visigothic mudslimes), basque and even slavic elite, also most of the population where the said muladis and the native iberians (mozarabs)...
  2. jimbo

    Da Juice are white

    There is some urugayan in that site Yeah i know but in this thread you can see what happens here (it's in spanish so you VVIL translate it):https://krautchan.rip/hs/318282
  3. jimbo

    Da Juice are white

    https://th.alshumukh.net/ This is ISIS forum btw, if you like it @sandaryan
  4. jimbo

    Da Juice are white

    The Turds are probably one of the few of Islamic nations who don't hate America and Israel (as Israel sells weapons to Kurdish guerrillas so they could continue fighting for the independence, which will never happen). Kurds and Peter Pan have a lot in common, in that both live in the land of...
  5. jimbo

    Da Juice are white

    Kurdroaches lost Isis won https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yazidi_genocide
  6. jimbo

    Da Juice are white

    Sorry blud o algo Saddam Hussein won btw
  7. jimbo

    Da Juice are white

    Plan Andinia would be keyed because it would be an ashkenazi (white) ethnostate, that's why we should create Ashkenazia on the Patagonia
  8. jimbo


    I told adfe and SFAW to come here
  9. jimbo


  10. jimbo

    Da Juice are white

    >Jezebel Anyone who tells me that she is white because she is Phoenician or "honorary Aryan" for speaking badly of the Jews (who are much whiter than her), will earn a shoe store in the ass. Israel is a white country of Indo-European essence. I fully endorse how a handful of noble and seasoned...
  11. jimbo

    Dead nigger website

    What a dead nigger baby of a website