" Instead, you find out that your one and only son, is already a pedophile, gorespammer, and a 'p addict at such a young age. You'll then ask yourself, "Where did I fail as a father?" And you keep asking that same question to yourself, decades after seeing your own child rot for his sins for the rest of your life. "

Search results

  1. I

    hello nitro

    hello nitro
  2. I

    BBC Slut "Chudette"/ Alice Ivanov

    We really need a laugh react
  3. I

    Roblox hate spreaders

    I don't know how people do it nowadays
  4. I

    Roblox hate spreaders

    I don't think it's that easy anymore - Roblox detects that shit within 4 - 8 minutes now, you have to do some other shit now I forgot what it was. Besides, you would have to make animations for the game too which also gets nuked in awhile and then you have to upload ALL the animations again to...
  5. I

    Roblox hate spreaders

    maybe we could actually participate in the "roblox erp community" that sprate thinks we have some kind of connection to although im not sure how much the roblox erp community has changed, i used to be an admin in one back in 2018 - 2021. but i might know a someone who is still active in this...
  6. I

    This forum needs a gooner style

    re-create the no limits fun theme
  7. I

    Right Wing X DTC

    probably not because everyone here is retarded as fuck
  8. I

    Ugly Nigger Lounge 96 Wiki

    No it isn't - Just follow the official guide (which is pretty short too). You didn't even fully set it up anyway, the placeholder logo is still there and you didn't bother setting up Clean URLs or anything else. Anyway, I don't really have any beef towards your website as it's pretty useful in...
  9. I

    Ugly Nigger Lounge 96 Wiki

    Apparently someone came there and started spamming our URL, I have literally no idea who, I don't care about that site. https://lounge96.org/threads/skibidifarms-st-chickenhawk-hq.170/ Looks like they are not LGBT-friendly, despite the owner being homosexual.
  10. I

    Ugly Nigger Lounge 96 Wiki

    Why did they make a wiki? It's not that hard to set up MediaWiki, guy
  11. I

    The TriHard Community

    getting to show unfunny safe edgy gore on stream to an audience of 8 viewers isn't worth it bruh
  12. I

    UTTP / Tommy Parky Thread

    only the moralfagged one that slappy owns
  13. I

    UTTP / Tommy Parky Thread

  14. I

    UTTP / Tommy Parky Thread

  15. I

    Scullyposting thread

  16. I

    Scullyposting thread

    damn nigga
  17. I

    Success https://thefuckingwiki.org / https://thefucking.party

    Might have some fun with this lol
  18. I

    The TriHard Community
