" Who is scarier, loli, shotas, peter scully or elanie? "

Search results

  1. O

    Race Traitor krapplekomputerkompany / 789chan / 888chan / 8chan / /cow/

    ask the dudes there to allow loli again or it will remain being just a dogshit dead site. Also the Robi that hosts the site is from yurope no relation to the sektur robi.
  2. O

    Trans Queen "Jim" / James Augustine née James Patrick O'Shaughnessy / Mister Metokur / Jim81Jim / Internet Aristocrat

    lil bro got obliterated. You would have a better chance spamming /cow/ with some loli than whatever that was.
  3. O

    Trans Queen "Jim" / James Augustine née James Patrick O'Shaughnessy / Mister Metokur / Jim81Jim / Internet Aristocrat

    also the first guy who answered you started to rile metokur for possibly being into loli, eeww what a mapphobe ridden place.
  4. O

    Trans Queen "Jim" / James Augustine née James Patrick O'Shaughnessy / Mister Metokur / Jim81Jim / Internet Aristocrat

    i will alog metokur only if you talk to the owners of /cow/ to allow lolishota in their site again, they banned it for bullshit moralfag reasons, otherwise enjoy yourself here. https://archive.ph/izWey
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    RAID ON lolcow.farm

    Im not nuzach but they are currently swinging at anything and screaming nuzach its fun to intermingle.
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    RAID ON lolcow.farm

    This right here is the jackpot.
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    Semper Fidelerald Watching Films join me

    dropping in
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    RAID ON lolcow.farm

    Checking the thread and Nuzach seems to be winning no cap fr.
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    RAID ON lolcow.farm

    who is Zach?
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    RAID ON lolcow.farm

    You guys should raid alogs.space with loli next, its the only place out of two in the webring they reside that dont allow it, and its guaranteed they will make a thread about you seething too!