" Sure, this person who extorted children into producing CSAM was in the server where people were trading CSAM, but that's just a coincidence! He wasn't a member, he was just there! There's no connection here, goy! STOP NOTICING THINGS!!! "

Search results

  1. Isaac

    Right Wing X RW Ewhores / Femboys / Fags

    Zoo porn isn't illegal btw (unless you live in the fascist dictatorship known as Oregon) so you can just look it up on Google and find it pretty easily
  2. Isaac

    Right Wing X RW Ewhores / Femboys / Fags

    KKKlanru and TomokkkoKKKlone already have me blocked. Sad!
  3. Isaac

    The Murder Drones Fandom

    Yes. Kinda spacey too tbh
  4. Isaac

    shotas... (i like both doe)

    shotas... (i like both doe)
  5. Isaac

    Scullyposting thread

    Scullyposting has been dead for a billion years but in honor of joining Skibidi Farms I will post this once-lost scullerald that a friend made and was posted on Scully Media back in the day
  6. Isaac

    Why is shitting out solid shit more comfortable than shitting out diarrhea?

    Diarrhea feels good though. I enjoy it