Still looking for a VPS that won't get raeped instantly (unless you guys can tolerate minor rulecuckery like no animal/child gore)
@Jaiden Espinoza what do you plan to use for bmtchan? dms if necessary now temporarily host's gnarpedia's content until i find a new domain
you might have to clear your browser cache when inputting "" otherwise it will redirect to gnarpedia still
You should've tried extorted her into drawing Gnarko porn (which she definitely would've complied with rather than whatever other orders you gave her) before posting this but whatever
Unfortunately soyfaggots (particularly Pearchud) are coopting Zoonomaly edits (something this circle cultivated) right now. Might as well make a thread dedicated to the meme before it gets thoroughly raeped
Neither. He's obviously fluent (even eloquent) in English but struggles with certain names that were recently introduced to him, so probably a case of dyslexia/early aphasia. Suenonym is neurodivergent like many of us on this website :paulmorris: