I will be pinning this post due to the fact that this is BY FAR the most trolling-prone, baitable, and sensitive lolcow community out there. I have received 100 times more butthurt, raging, and hilariously embarrassing "insults" from this community in 2 days than I ever have in approximately a year of attacking different fandoms. There is no community quite like this one. You can be a brand new account and get thousands of views on a reply (as well as dozens of angry americunt conservitards flooding your notifications continuously) by replying with something they disagree with (such as pro-MAP trvthnukes) to one of them.
Below is a collage of a fraction of the reactions I got resulting from a single reply I left. Keep in mind this is one of their smaller meltdowns (and it would take ages for me to try and screenshot every single one anyway): Check out the two links below if you want to see one of the bigger meltdowns that resulted from my three (now suspended) twitter accounts:
One might be, at first, quite surprised to see a community so autistic, unfunny, and edgy. However, once you begin to analyze the profile of your typical americuck 2A twitter users, you will begin to see a pattern. The vast majority of them are older than 20 (though there are some autistic teenagers thrown in the mix, albeit rare). They are all exclusively white, and majority male (with a few foids/ex-prostitutes amongst them). They hold your typical cuckservative beliefs (e.g. overzealously promoting "MUH FAMILY VALUES N SHIET", being "anti-degeneracy" (hypocritical), and wanting to kill anyone who isn't like them), though seem to be totally unaware how said beliefs make them look like utter cucks. They are typically christcucks (though there are some kikes too) and ardent nationalists of their economically dying shithole. They tend to overlap heavily with the hunting sphere (another community of obnoxious edgelord faggots), though that community deserves their own thread in its entirety. Many 2A accounts (especially the responsive ones) have thousands of followers, making fucking with them extremely worthwhile.
Here are examples of what your typical 2A account looks like:
A large proportion of them are either ex-cops or veterans (something you can use to your advantage to troll them, as per the below list), and all of them are retards who collect weapons like funko pops. Their typical behavior on twitter consists of either whining about politics, posting edgy "memes" and videos, or whining about people (rightfully) making fun of them for being losers who make the acquisition and collecting of guns their entire personality. Just imagine this but with funko pops instead of guns; they'd be bullied and mocked relentlessly for their clearly autistic hobby. I see no reason why these even more retarded specimens of humanity should not be given the same (if not a worse) treatment.
The second someone says something they do not like (an example from one of my own accounts shown below) they will instantly unleash a torrent of pent up tard-rage on you (which is a lot, considering their obsession with firearms stems from their thinly-veiled autistic power fantasies of appearing to be "more powerful" than other people in any given situation). In the case of pro-MAP trvthnukes, they will spam you with overused "woodchipper" images and gifs (which they deem to be the funniest shit ever produced) as well as edgy videos and gifs of people in uniforms/masks wielding guns. They will do this to attempt to "intimidate" you, blissfully unaware that they are just providing prime entertainment to whomever they are replying to. The best thing to do is this situation is to double-down and keep the fire going, and continuously mock them for the autists that they are (all whilst defending your original statement). If any foids reply to you, call them former prostitutes (which, let's be honest, they probably are) and if any veteranfags reply to you tell them to rope and send us-"servicemen" suicide stat memes.
Ways to troll 2A faggots:
Below is a collage of a fraction of the reactions I got resulting from a single reply I left. Keep in mind this is one of their smaller meltdowns (and it would take ages for me to try and screenshot every single one anyway): Check out the two links below if you want to see one of the bigger meltdowns that resulted from my three (now suspended) twitter accounts:



One might be, at first, quite surprised to see a community so autistic, unfunny, and edgy. However, once you begin to analyze the profile of your typical americuck 2A twitter users, you will begin to see a pattern. The vast majority of them are older than 20 (though there are some autistic teenagers thrown in the mix, albeit rare). They are all exclusively white, and majority male (with a few foids/ex-prostitutes amongst them). They hold your typical cuckservative beliefs (e.g. overzealously promoting "MUH FAMILY VALUES N SHIET", being "anti-degeneracy" (hypocritical), and wanting to kill anyone who isn't like them), though seem to be totally unaware how said beliefs make them look like utter cucks. They are typically christcucks (though there are some kikes too) and ardent nationalists of their economically dying shithole. They tend to overlap heavily with the hunting sphere (another community of obnoxious edgelord faggots), though that community deserves their own thread in its entirety. Many 2A accounts (especially the responsive ones) have thousands of followers, making fucking with them extremely worthwhile.
Here are examples of what your typical 2A account looks like:
A large proportion of them are either ex-cops or veterans (something you can use to your advantage to troll them, as per the below list), and all of them are retards who collect weapons like funko pops. Their typical behavior on twitter consists of either whining about politics, posting edgy "memes" and videos, or whining about people (rightfully) making fun of them for being losers who make the acquisition and collecting of guns their entire personality. Just imagine this but with funko pops instead of guns; they'd be bullied and mocked relentlessly for their clearly autistic hobby. I see no reason why these even more retarded specimens of humanity should not be given the same (if not a worse) treatment.
The second someone says something they do not like (an example from one of my own accounts shown below) they will instantly unleash a torrent of pent up tard-rage on you (which is a lot, considering their obsession with firearms stems from their thinly-veiled autistic power fantasies of appearing to be "more powerful" than other people in any given situation). In the case of pro-MAP trvthnukes, they will spam you with overused "woodchipper" images and gifs (which they deem to be the funniest shit ever produced) as well as edgy videos and gifs of people in uniforms/masks wielding guns. They will do this to attempt to "intimidate" you, blissfully unaware that they are just providing prime entertainment to whomever they are replying to. The best thing to do is this situation is to double-down and keep the fire going, and continuously mock them for the autists that they are (all whilst defending your original statement). If any foids reply to you, call them former prostitutes (which, let's be honest, they probably are) and if any veteranfags reply to you tell them to rope and send us-"servicemen" suicide stat memes.
Ways to troll 2A faggots:
- Stand by what you originally said to trigger them, and defend it. This will enrage them even further.
- Call them out for being complete and total autists, as guns are just funko pops for americuck conservatives.
- Threaten to report them for possessing unregistered/illegal weapons. Bonus points if you actually go and do it lol.
- Tell veterans to kill themselves. Bonus points if they actually go and do it lol.
- If they have any children (2A faggots always have their familial status in their bios so it is very easy to tell) then comment on them being promiscuous slutlets and threaten to rape them.
- Call their country out for being the absolute shithole that is is.
- (If you are on a burner account) send child gore, animal gore, animal porn, or something more spicy if you really feel like it.
- Make fake screenshots of them saying embarrassing things using inspect element. Considering how fragile their egos are, this will work very well.
- Send them pro-MAP infographics and/or memes. The mere thought of MAPs unleashes a torrent of butthurt within them, and they will promptly respond by telling their equally autistic followers to spam you with woodchipper images and butthurt replies.
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