" Sure, this person who extorted children into producing CSAM was in the server where people were trading CSAM, but that's just a coincidence! He wasn't a member, he was just there! There's no connection here, goy! STOP NOTICING THINGS!!! "

Ethan Ralph

https://pastebin.com/zRJQSHrF https://archive.fo/qdvQo
Ethan Ralph has a history of harassing people, he was a prominent personality during gamergate, an online campaign to harass women out of gaming and doxing journalists and game developers who didn't side with their crusade against women and other minorities in gaming.
He doxed a transexual game developer named Brianna wu and even follower her to a talk she was giving, putting her in tremendous distress.

After that he got drunk and tried to assault a police officer, he got sent to jail for that.

During his time in jail, one of his writers which he was really proud of, one which radical proto-alt-right ideology lead him to kill his own father in cold-blood.

After getting out of jail, he started hosting a streaming show called the killstream on youtube where he let richard spencer and multiple alt-right personalities on. Not only that, the also profitted from the blatant racism on his audience by reading antisemite superchats out loud. He tried to make a charity out of it to pretend his channel was about free speech but St. Jude, the charity they were trying to donate to rejected the donation as they didn't endorse racism or any kind of discrimination. Ralph proceeded to blame WSJ for it and a harassing campaign against Yoree Koh started.
Some of the tweets harassing Yoree Koh:
Yoree Koh protecting her twitter account because of the constant harassment barrage: http://archive.fo/DLKqw

Youtube decided to ban Ralph permanently for violating their term's of service.

Even so Ethan made the effort to go back into youtube as the cohost of Andy "racewar" warski / Andy Pires, another alt-right youtuber which was involved in a scandal revolving the sharing of sexual pictures of underage girls with ralph vetoing which picture's were alright to be shown on screen.

They're both partners and crowdfunded a trip to miami on indiegogo. Which got an anonymous donation of $750 just around the time Mr. Pires said he was going to donate to his own crowdfunding, something that's against indiegogo's rules.
Andy: "I will toss a bunch of the money that people donated into that by the way, so it's going to be funded, the show is funded"

After this, Ethan went to an alternative platform named stream.me dragging his whole toxic audience along with him. Ralph's toxic behavior turned the site which was a peaceful haven for streamers into a warzone, sending his fans to raid other
people's streams to insult them. This scalated to the point where the stream.me had to close it's door after the site owner's kids were allegedly doxed by trolls which ralph brought to the site.

With stream.me down, Ralph has gone back to youtube by getting his show hosted by a friend of his: memology101. Claiming he's going to follow the community guidelines this time.

Fully knowing they're breaking the rules by ban evading, they delete the streams once they're over, still, there are multiple mirrors of them which they shamelessly promote on their own social media.
Now Outdated Timeline

August of 2014 - GamerGate begins.
Sep 28, 2014 - Bryan gets doxed on 4chan /pol/ in a really reatarded way. Ralph writes a fucking article about "SJWs on 4chan doxing KoP". (https://theralphretort.com/sjw-doxxing-campaign-continues-kingofpol/)

Oct 17, 2014 - Ralph posts article about some Twitter nobody calling KoP a child molester, defends him. (https://theralphretort.com/kingofpol-libeled-child-molester-anti-gamergate-foe/)
Nov 7, 2014 - Ralph writes an article how KoP can't be trusted anymore.
Jul 31, 2015 - Ralph mentions Bryan in another article about him joining him and Carl on stream. (https://theralphretort.com/eternal-september-7031015/)

Sep 17, 2015 - Bryan joins Ralph's stream and tells something which causes him to sperg like a maniac.

Sep 18, 2015 - Ralph posts his article about his spergout against Bryan on stream and asks forgiveness - (https://theralphretort.com/with-a-little-help-from-my-friends-9018015/)

Sep 19-24, 2015 - Bryan films infamous jogging video.

Sep 25, 2015 - Bryan has exchange wtih Ralph on Twitter about finding the real culprit behind Denton leaks.
Ralph wrote an article about how KoP wanted to beat him up and took his and Seattle4Truth's bait about "real" author of Denton leaks.

Dec 1, 2015 - Ralph interviews Acid, who tells that KoP's been set up, but refuses to give any definitive proof.

Jan 18, 2016 - Thread on Ralph is created

Mar 2, 2016 - Ralph posts an article about Sarah's(Bryan's girlfriend at the time) expirience with Weev. (https://archive.vn/snKLU)

Aug 2, 2016 - Ralph posts another article about Bryan, this time about him sperging on Sargon on Twitter, which caused Carl to cut ties with him.
Bryan records his sperging
Aug 12, 2016 Ralph posts in his thread, promises a dick picture with kiwi farms written on an arbys wrapper.


Sep 9, 2016 - KoP was talking shit about Ralph and their truce is over

Sep 11, 2016 @theralph posts on the farms after getting out of jail.

Jan 9, 2017 - KingOfPol makes a thread on Ralph.

Jan 17, 2017 - Ralph acknowledges Bryan being FMMM in his thread


Mar 8, 2018 - Ralph writes vicious article on Bryan, who has been shittalking him all this time. The article could be googled with Bryan's new moniker.

Mar 10, 2018 - Ralph streams about Bryan. Bryan bitches out and sends Guardian to cover his ass.

May 21, 2018 - Ibs apocalypse happens.

Oct 20, 2018 - Stream where Tonka, Kraut and others are exposed for running gay OPs


Jan 19, 2019 - Knoxville

Mar 2, 2019 - Ralph and Andy decide to catch some pedos by viewing photos of underage girls on stream

March ralph and warski have a lover's quarrel.

Stream[dot]me fuckery

Mid/Late May: Josh makes a joke referencing the South Park episode ‘Britney’s New Look’, in which he says that Ralph needs to be sacrificed to the corn.

May 26th: Josh makes an appearance on the Dick Show (Episode 208 – Dick on Cuck Throat Timestamp 34:55 – 49:00ish) and they discuss the Corn Harvest. Ralph seethes at Josh about leaking DMs and they get into an argument about who is more womanly.

June 14th: Null makes a post about reaching a stage in his life where he wants to start a family and talks about the hardships of running the forum. Ralph responds by reading his post out loud to his audience and gloating on twitter.

June 15th: Ralph and Faith meet up for the first time in LA.

June 21: Dick Show with Destiny and Ralph – Ralph is with Faith at this time as Matt Vickers states that Faith wanted an autograph from Destiny. Around this time, Ralph is hanging out with Digibro, Pedopantsu and Riley.

June 23: Ralph and Faith fly back to their respective homes.

June 26: Adezero and Ralph break up.

July 10: Faith writes on twitter that she is running away from home because her father is physically, verbally and mentally abusive. She claims he has ignored her mental health issues, her brothers are in a dangerous environment which she is going to sue her father for and claims that her father didn’t do anything when she was sexually abused by an ex-boyfriend. She ends this post by saying that he will not have access to future grandchildren or the family she makes in future.


Squire of Gothos introduces Faith Vickers – Ralph’s ‘Hot 18 year old girlfriend’.

July 17: Chris Kerr, Faith’s boyfriend who has been grooming and getting nudes from her since she was underaged, finds out that Faith is cheating on him.

July 22: Psicopax makes a post of Ralph interviewing Jacob Wohl, a man who worked to discredit victims of Jeffery Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell.

July 26: Ralph doxxes Josh’s mum on stream. Dlive banned Josh 6 times. PPP, Godwinson and PO are going hard on Ralph around this period and even Mundane Matt and KOP are dunking on him. I’ll need help elaborating on the streams and internet personalities shitting on Ralph around this time period. Ralph starts flagging.

July 28: Mathew Vickers starts his twitter crusade after trolls poke at him on Facebook about how Ralph is fucking his daughter.

July 29: Dame Pesos and Dick Masterson start defending Ralph’s choices in dating teenagers. Riley told Josh he wasn’t welcome in Dick’s discord anymore. PPP begins beating Ralph in viewership. Faith come home arc begins. Mundane Matt victory lap.

July 31: Matthew Vickers and Ralph fight on twitter because Faith lies about her father abusing her. People start speculating whether or not Faith uses meth as Ralph parades her in front of the camera with her nasty ass teeth.

Aug 2: PPP is banned from dlive.
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Aug 3: Ralph is at the pedophile tranny’s house.

Aug 4: Ade and Tachy turn on Ralph and start shitting on him. Ade confirms that Faith knew Ralph had a girlfriend while they were hooking up in June.

Aug 6: Ralph plays victim and shames Nigel of Ukip on his twitter to 20 followers about doxxing. Dlive tells Ralph about the correspondence between staff and Josh regarding Josh’s ban. Kraut reveals Gator’s bizzare and homosexual lust for him.

Aug 8: Faith expresses a desire to go home and says her parents (father included) are great. Ralph says on twitter that Faith is only visiting her parents. He also says that Josh has a broken penis. Not coping at all, he makes tweets mad that people don’t think she’s going to come back. Ralph will be in DC celebrating Digipedo’s birthday. Faith’s parents are also in DC coincidentally at the same time. Hmm.

Aug 11: MC Jarbo releases ‘Better than Me’. No Faith in sight. Chris Kerr shows up in the thread. He has DMs. Faith told Kerr that she was using Ralph and Ralph’s breath smelled like old tampons. She tells him she didn’t want to get crushed by the gunt. Kerr promises a stream going through the DMs and delivers. Ralph is publicly humiliated and gets really drunk and sad on stream. Matt Vickers denounces Chris Kerr because he’s an actual pedophile groomer by his own admission. Faith in the DMs, tells Kerr that Ralph has been drunk driving with her in the car and also supplying her with alcohol. Faith begs that she doesn't want anything posted until she's out of Virginia. Sound familiar, anyone?

Ralph sends Chris Kerr revenge porn while he is streaming, telling him to open it. It depicts two fat people having sex reverse cowgirl while a large and misshapen sack of fat rolls back and forth like the ocean waves rolling into a beach. Ralph shoves his thumb in her rectum and audibly huffs his fingers and cries out in pain as he ejaculates. Faith awkwardly yowls, unsure of when she should pretend that she climaxed.

Aug 12: Corn Harvest Stream, where Adezero confirms that Ralph paid Nora to make her last appearance on the killstream, that he kept her dildo and is still in love with her. Ralph has never had a real job, never finished high school, dropped out of college and pisses in jars.

Daily Stormer writes an article on 'The Sniff Heard Round the World'

Aug 13: ASERiley begins to guntguard after the revenge porn is released. ASERiley is a Dick Show orbiter involved with Digibro/Pantsu etc who is a bisexual, degenerate, brony drug addict. Nigel releases an info dump on him.

Aug 14: Sam Losco confirms that Ralph would have definitely leaked the revenge porn and denies any credibility to Ralph's claims that he was hacked.

People who are assumably friends with Faith weigh in on the revenge porn, hoping that she has the self respect to leave Ralph. This person is also a degenerate tranny which might be a dead ringer of the kind of company Faith keeps. Chris Kerr also suicide baits.

AugieRFC (a Keemstar orbiter) weighs in on the revenge porn with a sympathetic/moderate take towards Ralph. Gator starts to janny it up. I need to draw a chart of the incestuous and retarded streaming relationships between Augie, Warski, Nick DeOrio and all of these retards.

Nick Rekieta does a video regarding revenge porn in Virginia.

Dick Masterson makes jokes about Ralph being hacked.

Ralph streams and addresses the revenge porn. He quietly seethes that people didn't reach out to be supportive of him. He says it isn't true and that he was hacked. He states that him and Faith are still together.

Ralph gets 'swatted' by Richmond Police.

The pedophile tranny Pantsuparty defends Ralph on twitter. Digibro wants to bloodsports Toad McKinley

Aug 15: Dick Masterson develops a bizzare saviour complex for pedophiles, leading up to his stalwart defense of lolicon and the film 'Cuties'.

Nick Rekieta weighs in on Lolicon and Ralph releasing revenge porn in a livestream with Ty Beard.

Aug 16: Tachy (MILF BOOBAH) confirms that Adezero wanted Ralph gone so badly she packed him a suitcase and put him on a bus. These jabs at Ralph from both Ade and Tachy lead Ralph to lash out on twitter.

Josh makes his last appearance on the Dick Show, cautioning Dick on his stances regarding pedophilia and lolicon. Ralph lashes out at a fake comment and doubles down when called out.

Aug 17: Ralph starts lashing out at his audience.

Chris Kerr does a stream saying that he basically knows nothing. There is not much to say about this guy, other than he groomed Faith in an online relationship for years and got underaged nudes from her and Matt Vickers called his dad and his dad kicked his shit in.

Aug 18: Ralph says that he denounces lolicon, yet the only people he associates with actively consume it for sexual gratification.

Matt Vickers posts a tweet about the DC trip with Faith. He further elaborates what happened in DC.
Aug 17: Ralph is thirsty for Pedopantsu.

Aug 18: Leaks from the Vickers facebook show a pretty normal, happy looking family with family vacations to Disneyland. While with Ralph, Faith told her parents she was raped freshman year and also told Chris Kerr that she was raped when she was 14 years old by a neighbour. Faith also claimed that Ralph threatened to rape her to keep her quiet. She claimed that Ralph threatened to grab her throat and fuck her in front of everyone.

Ralph posts a picture with his arm around Faith’s neck with her staring blankly at the camera. Caring and lovingly, of course.

Chris Kerr confirms on Matt Jarbo’s bouldertalk radio (4:30 Onwards) that Faith was sending sexual images and video calls to him while in Ralph’s bathroom. Kerr admits that he received nudes from Faith when she was only 15 and he was 21.

Matt Vickers calls Josh stupid and braindead for suggesting they wait for her to come home herself.

Aug 19: Matt Vickers reveals on twitter that between correspondence with Ralph, Ralph reveals that they weren’t actively trying to get pregnant but neither was using birth control.

Squire of Gothos posts a clip of Faith, Digibro, Pedopantsu and Ralph where Pedopantsu thirsts after Josh, saying she comments on every stream and LOVES free speech. He also highlights Faith’s hypocrisy, being a girl who is extremely anti-MAPs but she only has pedophile friends.

Ralph shaves his head on stream. Fun fact related to the harvest joke; Brittany Spears famously shaved her head in 2007. The reason she did this was because after escaping a rehab clinic, she showed up at her ex-husband’s house asking to see her two children. He refused to let her see them and she was so hurt and frustrated, she drove to a hair salon and shaved her head while paparazzi took pictures of her breakdown. She did it so that she could feel in control of her own very public humiliation.

Matt Vickers proves that he’s not a do-nothing faggot and that he went to the police about the revenge porn. Nothing comes out of this.

Aug 20: Matt Vickers launches aborttheretort.com

When Gator was in Knoxville for the Warski vs Tonka fight, a girl who shoved a pinecone up her ass rejected him and then humiliated him privately in discord DMs with Kraut.

Ralph gets in a pissing contest with a random person on twitter about how his life is shitter than anyone else’s.

Aug 21: Matt Vickers starts making power plays to fuck with Ralph, such as threatening to buy the house from underneath him.

Null talks about ‘Cuties’ with Nick Rekieta.

Ralph seethes about Null, talking about how he’s glad Null ended his friendship with Dick Masterson/disavowed and that Null’s days are numbered as a result.

Matt Vickers makes his first post on his website, detailing a timeline of events of when Ralph groomed Faith to when she went back to him.

Although Ralph has Faith, Vickers dropping private information into Ralph’s humiliating personal life has a visible effect on Ralph in his streams around this time period.

Aug 22: Information is released on a lawsuit regarding Mr. Vickers and a seemingly mentally ill man.

Curious Addie discovers that Faith and Ralph were in contact during March 3rd, before his separation with Nora.

Vickers drops the ‘Rad Roberts’ emails. Ralph seethes and doesn’t stream that night.

Aug 23: Vickers torments Ralph and makes his life utterly miserable.

Aug 24: Vickers humiliates Ralph further, showing that Faith had an interest in Warski before Ralph.

Aug 25: Vickers releases emails between he, Ralph and Mrs. Vickers. In them, he details his concerns that Ralph doesn’t love his daughter, is trying to impregnate her and tries to give him fatherly advice on being a man. Ralph reacts how he usually does.

Vickers business website is hacked, the revenge porn plastered all over the page. The archive link is NSFL.

Aug 26: Vickers starts a crusade, reaching out to Killstream guests to make sure they know that Ralph is a piece of shit before they hop on.

Chrissie Mayr – a self-proclaimed sex and relationship expert – weighs in on revenge porn by saying it’s your fault for recording it in the first place. Then she goes on the killstream and Southern Dingo dominates the show by ranting about niggers and beating his wife.

Aug 28: Ralph threatens Matt Vickers by claiming Faith will read a statement against them if he doesn’t send Faith’s belongings.

Aug 29: Vickers releases DMs of Ralph demanding Faith’s belongings for people to laugh at.

Ralph accuses kiwi farms of black PR, posts a tweet mocking black people when black panther died and plays victim in an attempt to revive his income by portraying to his paypigs that he’s coming under fire and needs their support.