" you will NEVER GUESS what the "IRONIC" PEDOPHILE RING openly admitted to distributing!!!!! 😱😱😱 "

Joshua Ryne Goldberg / MoonMetropolis

Jaiden Espinoza

Staff member
Joshua Ryne Goldberg is a former internet troll who has made threats previously, such as threatening to bomb a 9/11 memorial event in Kansas City
His ass was sent to 10 years in prison BTW! Imagine ruining your life because you wanted to be an epic troll, while neglecting even the most basic of opsec

The Present Day​

I have no idea what the black BVLLS in prison did to him, but after the epic trolling he did previously, he became a soytroon and a moralfag who also runs a blog

This substack article, in question has been discussing us and how Solomon Henderson was a "Foodist" shooter despite not being a part of the foodists at all

huh? i thought you hated police and love badass trolling? what happened?

I also believe he might have been the reason why Skibidi Farms was dropped during the Antioch shooting
I also believe he's been constantly reportfagging us 24/7 whenever we do go up

tl;dr he's a former future terrorist, now a moralfaggot soytroon "anti foodist" who seeks to take us down by any means neccessary
It's funny how he brags about being a GNAA associate, despite moralfagging about Zoomers/Gen Alpha literally pulling off what the GNAA did in 2005. Only now we post BMT, and have slightly more innovative jokes.

Well, to give the GNAA credit. They did actually do something notable with breaching AT&T's data, and getting hired to work on it. But Cybersecurity was rather primitive compared to what we have right now.