" Sure, this person who extorted children into producing CSAM was in the server where people were trading CSAM, but that's just a coincidence! He wasn't a member, he was just there! There's no connection here, goy! STOP NOTICING THINGS!!! "


Klasky Csupo THDTC TSPL

Staff member
As I am sure many of you are aware, the infamous alt-right cyber-harassment site "kiwifarms" has been engaging in a campaign of targeted harassment and slander against our site. It is because of this ongoing situation that I wish to issue an Official Moderator PSA and advisory regarding this site, including a brief rundown of it and its reputation.

Kiwifarms is an online harassment forum run for and by self-hating autists. The site fixates around "documenting" (harassing) those it perceives to be "lolcows" in their eyes. In order to accomplish this, they employ various methods, including (but not limited to): doxing, swatting, slander, false-flagging/mass-reporting, and pressuring victims into committing suicide.

Despite its vast, criminal track record, the site attempts to put on a thin veil of moral superiority (a tactic which has completely failed, as the public rightfully still view them as being a shitty troll forum). This manifests in many ways, the most prominent of which being their obsession with "child-protection", something which nobody (not even the autists over at kiwifarms) actually care about. Whilst it is understandable why nobody would care about such a trivial non-issue, the users over at Kiwifarms seem to be completely tone-deaf when it comes to this, and frequently use "child-protection" as a casus belli to do what they please to any of their critics.

Please do not take anything any user of that garbage forum seriously. Keep in mind this is a site which allows (and encourages) racism, anti-semitism, and cyberbullying on their site. Because of this, I have issued this advisory. Here are things you must keep in mind at all times when doing anything that involves KF users or their site.

  1. Do not take any kiwifarms user seriously: As stated above, they are (at the end of the day) trolls who try to hide their psychotic and sadistic fantasies behind a veil of moral superiority. When engaging with kiwifarms users, take everything they say and do with a grain of salt. Do not delude yourself into thinking these are people with worthwhile opinions or feelings.
  2. UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES ACCESS THEIR SITE WITHOUT USING A VPN: Kiwifarms is known to datamine their users, collecting data such as (among others) IP addresses. Exercise basic opsec when accessing their site. They will datamine you if they are able to.
  3. Use disposable emails when making sock accounts on their site: This is due to the same datamining concern cited in the guideline above.
  4. When setting passwords on their site (for sock accounts) ensure they are NEVER the same as any password you use on any other site: See above datamining concern.
  5. Do not attempt to communicate with kiwifarms users in a serious, neutral, and civil context: They are psychotic trolls. They are neither capable nor deserving of participating in any civilized discussion. When communicating with them, always keep this in mind.
  6. Report ANY AND ALL accounts here which you suspect to belong to kiwifarms users by DMing me: Due to the (currently) small userbase of this site, this precaution applies more to the foreseeable future, when I suspect kiwifarms users may begin making socks here. Ensure you DM me with relevant evidence/reasons for your suspicions.
That is all. Feel free reply to this PSA if you have any questions. Return to this PSA if you find yourself forgetting any aspects of this advisory. Have a nice day.

Bro put the mask down for this one 😔🔥

But yeah, this is on the right track.