" I've been on my fair share of dark corners of the internet, but there's something about Skibidi Farms that's actually disgusting. I still feel disgruntled after only lurking for a few minutes "

Tried making a KF account to help educate people on MAP rights

Klasky Csupo THDTC TSPL

Staff member
Ended up getting banned for "spam" before I could speak to some of the intellectual neurodivergents on the site. Could have been because I was spamming autistic reactions to random people in the foodists' thread, or because they just didn't like me (though I cannot possibly fathom why). Using a swiss VPN ended up earning me a consolation prize in the form of this hilarious post on my profile:


(my country's timezone is 2 hours ahead of Switzerland, which is where I assume he thinks I am)

Is this how KF treats its new users? This is yet another reason why OUR FORUM IS MUCH BETTER!
Ended up getting banned for "spam" before I could speak to some of the intellectual neurodivergents on the site. Could have been because I was spamming autistic reactions to random people in the foodists' thread, or because they just didn't like me (though I cannot possibly fathom why). Using a swiss VPN ended up earning me a consolation prize in the form of this hilarious post on my profile:

View attachment 683
(my country's timezone is 2 hours ahead of Switzerland, which is where I assume he thinks I am)

Is this how KF treats its new users? This is yet another reason why OUR FORUM IS MUCH BETTER!
suenonym trying to not write a kiwibabble essay on every occasion (impossible)

Now xey think I'm a turkroach when I'm clearly from Iraq (which I thought was blatantly obvious by my account banner). Also "Klapsky" NIGGA IT IS 6 LETTERS. IT IS NOT THAT HARD TO SPELL.
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Now xey think I'm a turkroach. Also "Klapsky" NIGGA IT IS 6 LETTERS. IT IS NOT THAT HARD TO SPELL.

Apparently I'm KEVIN HIMSELF because I used a croatian and russian VPN (among tons of others) to spam accounts on EDF. This faggot is genuinely dense. As if KF's pseudointellectualism and retarded speculation couldn't get any dumber.


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