" Sprate Header Groomed Me "

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  1. W

    Cuckservative Right-wing X / The "Woke right"

    Extremely ironic and indicative of cognitive dissonance how all the MAPphobic "libertarian" "vigilante justice" (the topic of this thread) retards also worship the FBI (one of the most centralized three-letter agencies in the entire country) for raiding the houses of innocent people they had a...
  2. W

    Follow my personal account!

    Personally I support Chinese-Indian cooperation
  3. W

    The "leader of anonymous" is now following me (presumably to try and h4xxor me or sum shiet), following a twitter meltdown due to me MAPposting

    The replies just keep coming in, holy fuck. I have been intermittently bellylaughing for the past hour This is actual comedic gold
  4. W

    The "leader of anonymous" is now following me (presumably to try and h4xxor me or sum shiet), following a twitter meltdown due to me MAPposting

    @Jaiden Espinoza Fuck, this is actually getting a little concering. Horrifiying, even. What should we do?
  5. W

    BBC Slut EpikBirb

    As showcased in the OP, EpikBirb is a full-blown member of the soysphere, which makes sense granted his brown/latinx(?) predisposition. His YouTube banner (a "soygem pass" is the sharty equivalent of the 4chan pass): Various community posts/comments in reference to soy culture: Obviously...
  6. W

    Trans Queen The PSLsphere/Blackpill community

    The only good thing to have ever been produced by the incelosphere btw
  7. W

    The "leader of anonymous" is now following me (presumably to try and h4xxor me or sum shiet), following a twitter meltdown due to me MAPposting

    He also followed on me on xitter. Said this after I politely asked him why in DMs: Non-contact zoosadism (the subject of my account) is protected speech under US law, so I'm not exactly sure what he's trying to accomplish here.
  8. W

    post your xwitters niggas

    I was immediately rate limited for 12 hours after my first post :frown:
  9. W

    Me core

  10. W

    PSI βΩγCUNNY 🌠🌠🌠😭😭😭🌠🌠🌟🌟💥💥🤤🤤🤤🤤

    PSI βΩγCUNNY 🌠🌠🌠😭😭😭🌠🌠🌟🌟💥💥🤤🤤🤤🤤
  11. W

    If you celebrate thanksgiving you're a spineless faggot who lacks critical thinking skills.

    It's so fucking cringeworthy when people ask you what you are "thankful" for, I don't owe the universe anything for willing me into existence. Thanksgiving is literally just an extension of Christcuck slave morality indoctrination.
  12. W

    Gnarpedia/NoLimitsPedia Embassy Thread

    NLP has rebranded to Gnarpedia https://gnarpedia.org/ nolimitspedia.st also now redirects accordingly.
  13. W

    New polandball cartoon

  14. W

    Semper Fidelerald Watching Films join me

    Omg same!!! 😊😖😖
  15. W

    post your xwitters niggas

    Mine is @intelofrwx, which is currently deactivated. Will be beelining towards a certain someone the moment I get it restored :smile:
  16. W

    Pony_Horse48: "Suicidal" (attentionwhore) rightoid faggot

    I'd say borderline and histrionic (foidbrained) with a tinge of "retarded unsocialized autist with zero self-conscious"
  17. W

    Thoughts on autozoophilia?

    Thoughts on autozoophilia?
  18. W

    On the subject of Incels

    Hard facts. A lot of self-proclaimed incels and/or looksmaxxers (both heavily adjacent to eachother) profess vehement hatred towards women, but taking even a fucking glance at any of their contingents (BP channels, incels.is, looksmax.org, etc) immediately exposes this couldn't be farther from...
  19. W

    the END of chud.fail

    I never understood the existence of these splinters nor any of the drama surrounding them. Do you really need multiple fucking websites to discuss ugly mspaint scribbles of bald cartoon men?