" for guys who like to LARP as edgelords they sure do pearl clutch, their /raid/ board is filled with soyteens crying over lolicon and shotacon. "

On the subject of Incels

Klasky Csupo THDTC TSPL

Staff member
Due to them being such a distinguished and increasingly active community in the online sphere, as well as me personally having seen a lot of them and their discourse on sites like twitter (where I am very active, frequently spreading the good word of onEvidence and their diversity and inclusion insulting services) I feel as though it is appropriate that I make a thread on them here, giving an objective (albeit brief) take on them and their beliefs.

This may come as a surprise but I firmly believe that they generally have the right idea about foids. Whilst their intentions are flawed (i.e. they make their entire lives revolve around getting laid and literally nothing else), the result has been an objective, collective discourse on foids and how truly shitty they are. The incel community are perhaps the most knowledgeable when it comes to foids and their nature, speaking about them (and treating them) as the subhumans they generally truly are; attention-seeking whores with cargo-cult personalities with an inhibited capacity to use logic, reason, and sense. Whilst this fact may be obvious to people not in the community (such as ourselves), people in general are blind to this fact and make the mistake of viewing foids as being equals. For this, I think the Incel community deserves credit.

However, that's about where the positive aspect of their community ends. The fact they spend every waking hour of their existences obsessing over foids and getting laids, thus dedicating their entire lives to meaningless carnal thrills that ultimately amount to nothing. I genuinely cannot fathom how they view sexual intercourse (or "relationships", which are just an extension of the former) as being worth the hassle, economic liability, and social cost of having to house and support a random maggoty foid. Masturbation/gooning has (and always will be) a superior alternative to intercourse, considering you get almost all of the gratification with none of the strings attached. Considering we live in an era where there is a near-infinite supply of digital pornography to goon to (especially specific categories that cater to men of fine taste, such as seepee and animal porn), there is literally no reason to need (or want) to get laid. The fact these people shun a clearly superior alternative and destroy their lives obsessing over a futile, useless goal which would ultimately not be worth any of the hassle in the first place.

A lot of the people in these communities have a warped sense of reality and have developed inferiority complexes, often viewing their phenotype/physical attributes as being unsatisfactory. This has resulted in them constantly comparing themselves to others (and obsessing over how others percieve them). Caring what random people think of you is a fruitless endeavour, especially considering the fact that these people could easily use the time they spend obsessing over their own appearances to doing something that actually benefits them (or, at the very least, pleases them - such as gooning to seepee).

My final issue with the community is that they are a hotbed for feds, due to the actions of a very small few garnering media attention and butthurt worldwide. This is self-explanatory and requires no elaboration.
Due to them being such a distinguished and increasingly active community in the online sphere, as well as me personally having seen a lot of them and their discourse on sites like twitter (where I am very active, frequently spreading the good word of onEvidence and their diversity and inclusion insulting services) I feel as though it is appropriate that I make a thread on them here, giving an objective (albeit brief) take on them and their beliefs.

This may come as a surprise but I firmly believe that they generally have the right idea about foids. Whilst their intentions are flawed (i.e. they make their entire lives revolve around getting laid and literally nothing else), the result has been an objective, collective discourse on foids and how truly shitty they are. The incel community are perhaps the most knowledgeable when it comes to foids and their nature, speaking about them (and treating them) as the subhumans they generally truly are; attention-seeking whores with cargo-cult personalities with an inhibited capacity to use logic, reason, and sense. Whilst this fact may be obvious to people not in the community (such as ourselves), people in general are blind to this fact and make the mistake of viewing foids as being equals. For this, I think the Incel community deserves credit.

However, that's about where the positive aspect of their community ends. The fact they spend every waking hour of their existences obsessing over foids and getting laids, thus dedicating their entire lives to meaningless carnal thrills that ultimately amount to nothing. I genuinely cannot fathom how they view sexual intercourse (or "relationships", which are just an extension of the former) as being worth the hassle, economic liability, and social cost of having to house and support a random maggoty foid. Masturbation/gooning has (and always will be) a superior alternative to intercourse, considering you get almost all of the gratification with none of the strings attached. Considering we live in an era where there is a near-infinite supply of digital pornography to goon to (especially specific categories that cater to men of fine taste, such as seepee and animal porn), there is literally no reason to need (or want) to get laid. The fact these people shun a clearly superior alternative and destroy their lives obsessing over a futile, useless goal which would ultimately not be worth any of the hassle in the first place.

A lot of the people in these communities have a warped sense of reality and have developed inferiority complexes, often viewing their phenotype/physical attributes as being unsatisfactory. This has resulted in them constantly comparing themselves to others (and obsessing over how others percieve them). Even as a person myself with a "truecel" phenotype, I think this is retarded. Caring what random people think of you is a fruitless endeavour, especially considering the fact that these people could easily use the time they spend obsessing over their own appearances to doing something that actually benefits them (or, at the very least, pleases them - such as gooning to seepee).

My final issue with the community is that they are a hotbed for feds, due to the actions of a very small few garnering media attention and butthurt worldwide. This is self-explanatory and requires no elaboration.
Hard facts.

A lot of self-proclaimed incels and/or looksmaxxers (both heavily adjacent to eachother) profess vehement hatred towards women, but taking even a fucking glance at any of their contingents (BP channels, incels.is, looksmax.org, etc) immediately exposes this couldn't be farther from the truth. The large majority of them are willing gynoslaves and shadow-gynocentrists; everything they commit to in their lives is either the cause and effect of attempting to chase foids (looksmaxxers will literally risk permanently fucking up their bone structure for the single purpose of obtaining long-expired maggot-infested roast beef flaps) or alternatively rejection by foids (incels excuse themselves to rot away in their rooms until the only thing left of their legacy is a watery cum-stained suicide note because some disgusting old crone eyerolled in their general direction). Both the looksmaxxing and incel communities are gynocentric by nature, and the former has never promoted actual self-improvement.

I myself do believe in the "BP", genetic determinism and lookism. Your face, height and race will, without a doubt, exert heavy influence on the outcome of your life. I think by any means possible you should attempt to present yourself better because you WILL find life easier the more attractive you are; humans intrinsically judge you on a subconscious level based on your looks department alone. Hell, if you're good-looking enough you can unironically probably earn yourself a reduced sentence for indulging in (unfortunately) illegal activities such as nonconsensual zoophilia and the aforementioned gooning to seepee. But reducing these philosophies down to the ability to pick up some utterly fake oofy-doofy interpersonal psuedo-relationship with IQ-capped literal subhuman XX-chromosomed hominids who will never, EVER genuinely love you in a billion years is abjectly fucking retarded.
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I advocate for the goonpill. If you are not convinced, man up and buy a hooker. You'll see that sex is super over hyped through the media.
“but muh gonnorhea" 🤓
do a bit of research on your local whoresphere, most of them are paranoid about stds, just don't get the lowest possible one. It's gonna be about the same price you'd spend on a date but warrants the result. Incels are real only because they have been brainwashed by porn fueling their desires into thinking sex is the best thing ever, and because they are low t cucks that are afraid of taking the action.