" We all know the skeevy cesspit that is OF, but skibidi is something swatter, pedophile, and animal torture fan Elaine Miller made. "

Search results

  1. Wickerkid

    Benjamin Robert Simon / Ruben Sim

    Ruben Sim, real name Benjamin Robert Simon, is a hideous, (formerly) morbidly obese, ambulance-chasing, no-fun-allowed moralfaggot closeted-furry internalized-mapphobe cuckstain Roblox YouTuber known for making shitty video documentaries ‘exposing’ the nonexistent issues of the platform such as...
  2. Wickerkid

    Random Images and Videos

  3. Wickerkid

    Right Wing X Right Wing X

    where is political spergery reaction @Jaiden Espinoza @identity
  4. Wickerkid

    Li Yuwei / p0008874

    how did you find this
  5. Wickerkid

    "saving evropa" requires giving up on moralfagging

    "save europa" is intrinsically moralfaggy because it ties itself to an ideology. true amoralFRIENDS are political non-euclideans and therefore do not concern themselves with collectivist copes like muh hwite race; rather they concern themselves with what pleases them on an individual level
  6. Wickerkid

    Race Traitor Onion Farms

    someone capitalize the title of this thread its triggering my autism
  7. Wickerkid

    Right Wing X Right Wing X

    Probably the single most obnoxious (and influential) community in the edgesphere right now. I'll write this op later
  8. Wickerkid

    Li Yuwei / p0008874

    I believe NLP's domain was suspended around ~7:00 GMT and his screenshot (attached) was taken around 15:00 (GMT+8, which is China's timezone), so yeah the OP of that thread is definitely him.
  9. Wickerkid


    Here's an interesting tidbit of information: While scouring the site for incriminating evidence I could use to report them to their registrar (which unfortunately ended up being inconclusive due to how rulecucked they are) I discovered the admin for the site (other than Doll), Nihilma, had...
  10. Wickerkid

    BBC Slut Paul Morris / Sprate Header

  11. Wickerkid

    Right Wing X Pearchudohio

    Is he actually a britbong or he is just faking an accent for whitoid internet points? He looks mestizo Also here's a shitty edit someone made about him unironically, trigger warning he's ugly asf LOL. I suggest once he is inevitably doxxed we edit pictures of his house into this vid at random...
  12. Wickerkid

    BBC Slut "Chudette"/ Alice Ivanov

    I hate women.
  13. Wickerkid

    The Silly Cat Codex

    I originally wrote this as a first draft for a subsection on NoLimitsPedia's Uni page, but as the site is currently under maintenance I shall post it here for now. The purpose of the SCC (Silly Cat Codex) is to classify and organize the eternal ethos of the internet (cats) into distinct...
  14. Wickerkid

    Gnarpedia/NoLimitsPedia Embassy Thread

    nolimitspedia.net was recently taken down (10/18/2024) after an individual reported the website to our registrar, Njalla. I have updated the thread accordingly with the new URL, nolimitspedia.wiki. I apologize for the downtime.
  15. Wickerkid

    Race Traitor Null / Joshua Conner Moon / James Gabriel Potter

    I would have totally groyped Nully granted he actually disciplined himself and spent time and effort into losing weight/taking care of personal hygiene or something Oh wait LOL
  16. Wickerkid

    Gnarpedia/NoLimitsPedia Embassy Thread

    Current domain: nolimitspedia.st You can use this thread to discuss Gnarpedia.
  17. Wickerkid


    Time to load up Tor and find some more, lol! Sprate Header Groomed Me No, stalker, it is YOU who are insecure, enjoy prison, stalker chile. Instead, you find out that your one and only son, is already a pedophile, gorespammer, and a 'p addict at such a young age. You'll then ask yourself...