" Sure, this person who extorted children into producing CSAM was in the server where people were trading CSAM, but that's just a coincidence! He wasn't a member, he was just there! There's no connection here, goy! STOP NOTICING THINGS!!! "

Race Traitor Null / Joshua Conner Moon / James Gabriel Potter

Post it here that will make him leak
Sure thing.
Here’s a fun little extract I found particularly pathetic:
IMG 2669
This is his Deviant Art:
Archive because he took it down when I leaked it the first time: https://archive.ph/pAj0m

Archive of every single thing he posted:

1 https://archive.ph/SK4QG

2 https://archive.ph/djz0c

3 https://archive.ph/PT3pR

4 https://archive.ph/DdR0O

5 https://archive.ph/v3IJA

6 https://archive.ph/1ly4o

7 https://archive.ph/Vd4NR

8 https://archive.ph/0SAJj

9 https://archive.ph/ii6QK

10 https://archive.ph/FfE50

11 https://archive.ph/JRv0L

12 https://archive.ph/oxjrO

13 https://archive.ph/2taWw

14 https://archive.ph/ME0vo
He also confesed to have manboobs
Just read the diary, it’s incredible LMAO.
I found it while definitely not h4cking one of his shell companies; Flow Chemical Pty Ltd
Here’s his company signature:
IMG 2861
The rest of the document:
IMG 2860
Lord Sprate Header the son of Joshua, forgive me the sinner for I haven't gooned to nekoshota hyperscat today
Selena, you don’t get it, the super duper high IQ definitely not sexually deviant Kiwifarms.st chads require you to regularly have debates about the age of consent, host CSAM & ALSO goon to Neko Shota to truly be accepted into their community.
IMG 2874
IMG 2875
IMG 2572
I would have totally groyped Nully granted he actually disciplined himself and spent time and effort into losing weight/taking care of personal hygiene or something

Oh wait


View attachment 262
I felt like I had a stroke reading that. I don't feel like deciphering Null's stream-of-consciousness word salad