" Semper Fi "


Selena Shukoku

Im an unapologetic ashkenaziphile. I believe ashkenazim jews are THE MASTER RACE.

  • They have an average IQ of 115, that's 1 SD above the white European mean.
  • They control our media despite being 0.2% of the worlds population
  • A lot of technology and innovation comes from Ashkenazi Jews despite being 0.2% of the worlds population
  • Nobel prize laureates are overwhelmingly Ashkenazi
Imagine a Germany that is 100% ethnically Ashkenazi.
  • It would have a GDP of $45 trillion
  • It would be the global epicenter of innovation and it would have the most geniuses
  • It would have an average IQ of 115
  • It would be technologically ahead of us by a century
  • It would be extremely high trust
Jew hate is overrated. Bow down to your troo masters
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They are also whiter than their haters like brapxican faggot spic fuentes or those gorilla niggers Kanye West and Candace Owens