Da Juice are white



Anyone who tells me that she is white because she is Phoenician or "honorary Aryan" for speaking badly of the Jews (who are much whiter than her), will earn a shoe store in the ass. Israel is a white country of Indo-European essence. I fully endorse how a handful of noble and seasoned Ashkenazis returning to the Promised Land subdue huge contingents of enemies while being outnumbered.
The Ashkenazi are perfectly white and with 10 IQ points above the Neolithic Nazis who tried to eliminate them, pic related is much whiter than any Spanish Neolithic Farmer from Congui.
Ashkenazis are basically Slavic Germanic and are much whiter than the Moorish and Andalusian Armenized and Conguized Manolo who fucked your great-great-grandmother, stop drinking, even the Nazis themselves accepted Jews in the 1936 Nazi Olympics because even they knew that they were better than any short-legged, dark, Mongolized Bavarian http://supervivientesdelthule.blogspot.com/2014/07/la-victoria-de-los-ojos-azules-y-el.html
Ashkenazi flag
Estado de Andinia

Plan Andinia would be keyed because it would be an ashkenazi (white) ethnostate, that's why we should create Ashkenazia on the Patagonia
Look at these kurds getting owned by isis bvlls qeq


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The Turds are probably one of the few of Islamic nations who don't hate America and Israel (as Israel sells weapons to Kurdish guerrillas so they could continue fighting for the independence, which will never happen). Kurds and Peter Pan have a lot in common, in that both live in the land of nowhere. If the States provide them with Kurdistan, they will find that the Kurds have nothing more to live for and that they will disappear into wisps of smoke to join Saddam Hussein and the Spartan army to dine in hell. Others claim they are an artificial Aryan master race created by Stormfront to rid the Middle East of Negroid-interbreeding Semites and the mongrel race of Turks before their foothold into Europe could do any sore damage. However, considering the millions of Turks already infecting Europe- since the fucking 1970s- with their cigarette and kebab odours, the experiment is seen as an enormous failure. Saddam was called in to destroy any evidence of the Kurds by gassing them to shit, but being an inbred sandnigger, failed miserably. In 2006, he was executed by his masters for not carrying out his orders.

A popular theory is that Kurds actually don't exist. They were invented somewhere around 1950 by the British to kill other races. Kurds claim to have 5000 thousand years of history while not having a single archaeological discovery based on their culture. This makes some people think they actually don't exist. Another theory claims that the Kurds didn't see themselves primarily as Kurds until somewhere around 1920. Very convenient, as everyone was carving out pieces from The Ottoman Empire back then and nationalism had replaced religion as the main principles on how to make rational decisions (Turkey itself being a prime example of an ill thought out nation that makes no sense in existing). And the most interesting fact about their so-called unity is that the Kurds haven't gotten their heads out their asses long enough to make the decision about a common written language, something that the chinks made long ago. Kurdish groups have so many different cultures and languages and dialects and even multiple ways of writing Kurdish (Arabic, Cyrillic, Latin and in the past Armenian alphabets) that it is impossible for them to unite in the sense of a nation-state. Just look at Israel - Jews flooded in from the smallest depths of the world, speaking different languages, and Hamas says they still don't exist, though to their credit, they managed to agree on a consistent fucking language and writing system, even if half of it is made up shit or riped off of Arabic.
The Turds are probably one of the few of Islamic nations who don't hate America and Israel (as Israel sells weapons to Kurdish guerrillas so they could continue fighting for the independence, which will never happen). Kurds and Peter Pan have a lot in common, in that both live in the land of nowhere. If the States provide them with Kurdistan, they will find that the Kurds have nothing more to live for and that they will disappear into wisps of smoke to join Saddam Hussein and the Spartan army to dine in hell. Others claim they are an artificial Aryan master race created by Stormfront to rid the Middle East of Negroid-interbreeding Semites and the mongrel race of Turks before their foothold into Europe could do any sore damage. However, considering the millions of Turks already infecting Europe- since the fucking 1970s- with their cigarette and kebab odours, the experiment is seen as an enormous failure. Saddam was called in to destroy any evidence of the Kurds by gassing them to shit, but being an inbred sandnigger, failed miserably. In 2006, he was executed by his masters for not carrying out his orders.

A popular theory is that Kurds actually don't exist. They were invented somewhere around 1950 by the British to kill other races. Kurds claim to have 5000 thousand years of history while not having a single archaeological discovery based on their culture. This makes some people think they actually don't exist. Another theory claims that the Kurds didn't see themselves primarily as Kurds until somewhere around 1920. Very convenient, as everyone was carving out pieces from The Ottoman Empire back then and nationalism had replaced religion as the main principles on how to make rational decisions (Turkey itself being a prime example of an ill thought out nation that makes no sense in existing). And the most interesting fact about their so-called unity is that the Kurds haven't gotten their heads out their asses long enough to make the decision about a common written language, something that the chinks made long ago. Kurdish groups have so many different cultures and languages and dialects and even multiple ways of writing Kurdish (Arabic, Cyrillic, Latin and in the past Armenian alphabets) that it is impossible for them to unite in the sense of a nation-state. Just look at Israel - Jews flooded in from the smallest depths of the world, speaking different languages, and Hamas says they still don't exist, though to their credit, they managed to agree on a consistent fucking language and writing system, even if half of it is made up shit or riped off of Arabic.


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if u somehow get ur entire group raped the fuck out and destroyed by kurds (one of the most raped people in history) then ur BELOW subhuman u shouldn't even be considered a primate for how retarded u r
Shut up iraqi
True but they don't attribute themselves to any country anymore, they're an international caliphate now
Muslims are literally some of the most retarded people out there, despite many being genetically superior to westoids and islam having a lot of intellectual potential. They are either redneck tier monkeys or about average iq, in which case they are westcucked beyond the point of no return becoming shartroons tranime watchers online or selling drugs, doing crimes and drinking alcohol irl. You lost before you even began. You may infest random countries around the globe but this is allowed solely for political reasons, the elites want people to hate pisslam and you gladly help them by doing the aforementioned stuff. Go fuck a dog or something