Oh btw that’s my ex. She also thinks I am the head of the Illuminati.
This is her ED thread: https://edramatica.com/Brittany_Holechko
Not even joking. There’s so much lore to her, but let me summarize it:
- I was Janny in ED Telegram
- We started E dating
- She starts trying to get me to go spy on people for her because she thinks they’re all conspiring against her
- She is Null’s biggest fan
- I shoot him an email on an alt and got her account verified on KF to make her happy
- She then finds out I was e dating someone else (I was dumb and 19)
- She goes nuts and makes me the centre point of her delusions
- She then gets catfished by someone pretending to be Null 11 times, I try to step in because I been there with that idea guy shit, but she tells me I’m destroying her fake relationship with her catfishes
- They’re currently trolling her into suicide. I’ve tried everything possible to help, but she has now filed over 76 police reports about me that don’t even make sense, to the point the police apologized to me.
- She’s only interested in this place because I’m here.
- The police informed me she’s a drug addict and alcoholic with agoraphobia and she’s a mental case basically.