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Instead, you find out that your one and only son, is already a pedophile, gorespammer, and a 'p addict at such a young age. You'll then ask yourself, "Where did I fail as a father?" And you keep asking that same question to yourself, decades after seeing your own child rot for his sins for the rest of your life.
I honestly just think he fucked up something with the servers which caused this. There’s no way that many people are trying to access a niche gossip forum.
I honestly just think he fucked up something with the servers which caused this. There’s no way that many people are trying to access a niche gossip forum.
considering that he has invested in DDoS mitigation so much due to trannies launching those attacks constantly there is simply not a reason why a few thousand people accessing kiwi farms will overload the servers so much it corrupts the database
considering that he has invested in DDoS mitigation so much due to trannies launching those attacks constantly there is simply not a reason why a few thousand people accessing kiwi farms will overload the servers so much it corrupts the database