" Swatting isn't just a crime, it's attempted murder. "

Race Traitor Null / Joshua Conner Moon / James Gabriel Potter

Josh as an UwU anime cat boy IMG 3431
Important note about jewsh, these are the people who help nool keep KF online.
S(A) First up is Odilitime.
@one a former 8chan global admin and creator of mixtape.moe, gamerghazi.com, desu archive, tweetsave.com and the now defunct 8archive.

Jewsh revealed his MATI stream that this new admin is his trusted server assistant he met during his time on 8chan, aka that must mean it's none other than OdiliTime, self proclaimed "leader of gamergate" and jewsh's longtime server bitch.

Odilitime is basically a more successful Jewsh, having made or assisted with websites you might even be familiar with, such as mixtape.moe, gamerghazi.com, desu archive, tweetsave.com, helping to found endchan in wake of Jewsh's infinity next failure and he even hosted kiwi farms for a short time back in the day. Odilitime has been involved in many projects spanning from his company Sapphire, which had 3 employs as of last year but only two now, himself and the only publicly listed worker Micheal Sulsenti, presumably being homosexual weight lifter gamergate vetran Drybones. Odilitime was involved in some "gamergate OPs" via a website he runs called gitgud that had Gamergate's mascot 'Vivian James' in the logo at the time. Additionally running multiple gamergate sites, creating a GitLab instance just to host an official gamergate timeline, gamergate.me which was a gamergate news site that eventually got overtaken by some malware filled pajeet shit, and the official Gamergate wiki.

Social media
https://twitter.com/OdiliTime (https://archive.li/uf6Yv)
alt twitter
https://twitter.com/SpaceOdili (https://archive.li/Gz2m0)
https://sapphire.moe/ (https://archive.li/e2iMc)
https://github.com/odilitime (https://archive.li/ljmKf)
gitgud (need an account)
https://gitgud.io/u/odilitime (https://archive.li/YIG3d)
https://www.reddit.com/user/odilitime/ (https://archive.li/uoAL8)
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9YYaqKNOZa5ue-sxE0cuPA https://preservetube.com/channel/UC9YYaqKNOZa5ue-sxE0cuPA
failed gofundme
https://www.gofundme.com/f/sapphiregroup (https://archive.li/bmUFX)
https://www.patreon.com/odilitime (https://archive.li/RDR5K)
image board
http://wrongthink.net/ (https://archive.li/TccS1)
social media he made nobody cares about
https://tavrn.gg/u/odilitime (https://archive.li/osLHz)

S(A) Second is Fancy Bear real name Cal Gruhlke

Last is the infrastructure behind Nool that allowed him a slice of the Internet, that is Napanet.
Null is a zoophile. His neko shota fetish spiraled (over the course of over a decade) into full blown animalfuckery which is why wherever he goes online he avatarfags as a cartoon dog, why he specifically haraunged kuz for allowing BMT on his sites like vidlii, and why he frequents the animal control forum so often to virtue signal about furries or whatever. It's all one gigantic trollshield covering for his irrestiable urge to diddle earth's creatures. Obviously there's nothing wrong with this, but we all know god damn well that despite animals being able to consent they would turn down his walled fatass + twhp instantly

IMG 2598
Null is a zoophile. His neko shota fetish spiraled (over the course of over a decade) into full blown animalfuckery which is why wherever he goes online he avatarfags as a cartoon dog, why he specifically haraunged kuz for allowing BMT on his sites like vidlii, and why he frequents the animal control forum so often to virtue signal about furries or whatever. It's all one gigantic trollshield covering for his irrestiable urge to diddle earth's creatures. Obviously there's nothing wrong with this, but we all know god damn well that despite animals being able to consent they would turn down his walled fatass + twhp instantly

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He’s actually just a furry I fear
Odili is like Josh if his harddrive had a few software updates. He’s employed, opsec better than most jannies, doesn’t censor people, actually believes in free speech, seems to have money and seems to actually be able to code, and doesn’t have an abnormal amount of complex mental health conditions.
even doe it's me who rapes him in his sleep (through astral projection)
Jokes on you, that man never sleeps. Don’t ask me how I know this, but if you dig enough, you’ll be able to find a way to monitor when people are online or not.

I actually think this explains a lot of his irrational behavior. He’s more susceptible to listening to actual nutcases like Strawberry Douche or AnOminous, that a sane and non-exhausted person wouldn’t even give the time of day.
Jokes on you, that man never sleeps. Don’t ask me how I know this, but if you dig enough, you’ll be able to find a way to monitor when people are online or not.

I actually think this explains a lot of his irrational behavior. He’s more susceptible to listening to actual nutcases like Strawberry Douche or AnOminous, that a sane and non-exhausted person wouldn’t even give the time of day.
Maybe he figured out that our esoteric astral rape gooncoven squad is ready to take on him and decided to neversleep