" The fact that not even off the front page you can see people asking "lolis or shotas?" the fact that it takes two clicks to find Peter Scully fan videos, the fact that Elaine et al. are on there "

Pony_Horse48: "Suicidal" (attentionwhore) rightoid faggot

He has a new Discord server:
View attachment 1468
Join at your own accord 🤭
I wonder how long it'll take for this nigga to get outed for grooming some 15 year old tranny (grooming kids is normally based but he's a total faggot autist so he's an exception), after which he'll proceed to suicide bait all over again.

Speculation aside though damn am I pissed about not being able to use discord (the reason for which I'm sure you're aware of). I would have fo sho been down to fuck with that nigga.