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Instead, you find out that your one and only son, is already a pedophile, gorespammer, and a 'p addict at such a young age. You'll then ask yourself, "Where did I fail as a father?" And you keep asking that same question to yourself, decades after seeing your own child rot for his sins for the rest of your life.
This person considers himself a "leader of anonymous" while committing OPSEC blunders like including personal information in his literal email address. Do not take this nigga seriously.
Just for context, this guy actually is Anti Anonymous, he’s seen as the antagonist / jester. The actual leader of Anonymous is Aubrey Cottle (Kirtaner) who I text sometimes. Kron is a pretty vile person who associates with predators / BX & Sprate.
Just for context, this guy actually is Anti Anonymous, he’s seen as the antagonist / jester. The actual leader of Anonymous is Aubrey Cottle (Kirtaner) who I text sometimes. Kron is a pretty vile person who associates with predators / BX & Sprate.
"Anonymous" is just an umbrella term for literally any hacker (wannabe - like kron, or otherwise) who decides to use it as a form of identity after committing a cyber attack. It doesn't have a "leader", though it does have noteworthy people who have associated themsevles with anonymous.
This is part of the reason why I (and a lot of people here) find "anonymous" niggas to be obnoxious larping retards; literally anyone can claim association with it and try to use it as a "personal army" in moralfaggotry crusades. Hell, even "old anonymous" was rife with moralfaggotry and butthurt, such as when they decided to go after the Church Of Scientology (which did absolutely nothing wrong, btw).
I agree I was talking more about who the media classifies as the leader. The reason why Kirtaner is labelled as such is because he created the image board (420chan) that Anonymous formed on.