" I've been on my fair share of dark corners of the internet, but there's something about Skibidi Farms that's actually disgusting. I still feel disgruntled after only lurking for a few minutes "

What are reasons for hating kiwifarms?


What are reasons for hating kiwifarms? Give me them so i can hate them too. (Im unfamiliar with them).
I began to despise the farms after they started to allow troons (CommieDgirl who I was unfortunately acquainted with) to become kween kiwi, the malding moids who seethe and cope and the general state of the culture.
I began to despise the farms after they started to allow troons (CommieDgirl who I was unfortunately acquainted with) to become kween kiwi, the malding moids who seethe and cope and the general state of the culture.
Commie became a literal trans pick me lol. “I’m one of the good ones”. Recently they did a 180 and have claimed KF is evil & trans lives matter etc…
KF is evil, Keffals and xer big tranny milkers won
I remember joining keffals’ signal group because I wrote my lolcow sob story to them over email, got in instantly. Used them to help fuck with KF, and then snaked on them afterwards
bro please no, keffals is a nigger
I don’t understand why people feel compelled to pick either KF, or Drop KF/Trans Brigade.
You know it’s totally ok to admit everyone in this war is a fucking cooked retard and they deserve each other right?
I don’t understand why people feel compelled to pick either KF, or Drop KF/Trans Brigade.
You know it’s totally ok to admit everyone in this war is a fucking cooked retard and they deserve each other right?
you got it right. but the drop kiwi farm thing was idiotic,imo