">t. baby money in my blender about to be blended" ☝>t. baby money in my blender about to be blended

">t. baby money in my blender about to be blended" ☝>t. baby money in my blender about to be blended
China should establish a neo-tributary system (i.e the global cefeng system). Since they are literally the middle-kingdom (literal translation of China's real name, Zhōngguó), the judeo-anglo world order should step aside, bow down to the true heirs of civilization and acknowledge China's superiority. The Anglosphere and the whole of continental Europe will have to give China half their GDP and kowtow to the successor of Xi Jinping or else China will annex their countries and establish puppet states.White genocide isn't necessary anyway since we have already been completely outclassed by China
>zero inflation
>zero poverty
>10x military size of nato
>head of global cefeng system (UN)
Meanwhile decadent whitoid society is mindsing by an inescapable Jewish-AngloidNWO iron grip. Our only hope of salvation/liberation is embracing the inevitable Chinese century and HNWO (Hapa new world order (the TRVE coming master race)). As of writing this post I have also begun drilling simplified mandarin lessons on Duolingo
Unlike dumb eurocucks that tried to milk africa for resources which resulted in countless wars there and the bbc epidemic among their wimmenz and ytbois, China invests in there so its future colonies will be far more stable (look at what French colonies are doing now). Weaponized by Xi pro-chinese BBC ytboisex troops will destroy whats left of (((europa)))'s suicide. BNWO is white (not so much white either geeeg) mans burden.China should establish a neo-tributary system (i.e the global cefeng system). Since they are literally the middle-kingdom (literal translation of China's real name, Zhōngguó), the judeo-anglo world order should step aside, bow down to the true heirs of civilization and acknowledge China's superiority. The Anglosphere and the whole of continental Europe will have to give China half their GDP and kowtow to the successor of Xi Jinping or else China will annex their countries and establish puppet states.