" Who is scarier, loli, shotas, peter scully or elanie? "

Why the age of consent is arbitrary, flawed, and harmful (and should not exist).


DISCLAIMER: I am aware the argument posited in this post is an extremely obvious fact which anyone with at least a modicum of critical thinking skills (which would certainly constitute most of this site's regular users) would know to be true. Water is wet, after all. This informative post is mainly directed towards the kiwifags who have recently come across our site and are currently displaying a huge amount of anger, outrage, and hostility towards us, due to our MAP friendly environment contradicting with their hyperconservative, narrow, western mindset. Still, all are welcome to view and engage with this post. Discussion is encouraged.

I would like to preface this by saying that I will be going into the historical, scientific, and sociological context behind this matter, covering each part one by one. I will also be addressing some criticisms and common arguments certain zealous adherents of the age of consent like to put forth. I will be making similar posts in the future addressing other issues and unjust arguments commonly used against MAPs (my next post will be regarding the justice system's gross overreaction to CP, which is a victimless crime). If you have any suggestions please let me know by replying to this post.

Firstly, in order to correctly address this topic I must firstly define what the age of consent is. The age of consent is the age at which someone is legally considered to be able to consent to sexual intercourse. The age tends to vary from country to country, but in most countries (including those in the west) it is set at roughly 16-18 years of age. Now, this should immediately set off a few red flags to anyone reading (who doesn't blindly subscribe to narrow minded dogmas), considering the fact that throughout the vast majority of human history this has not been the case. Throughout various civilizations, ranging from the Babylonians to the Greeks to the Romans, healthy sexual relations between adults and children have been practised (and even played a part in their various cultural rituals and evenyone's childhood). This list is not exhaustive, and MAP relationships have been practised in other civilizations as well, such as ancient China and the Mali Empire. Child-Adult sexual relationships were not considered to be automatic transgressions against nature like the way they are today, particularly in the west. This shaky, fragile argument frequently used against MAPs is quickly demolished once you consider the fact that Child-Adult interourse has been practised across the entire globe and across entire civilizations, across various time periods (ranging from the dawn of humanity to early modern history). In fact, during the dawn of human civilization itself, Child-Adult sexual intercourse may have been the only way to ensure a sustainable population, due to how short human life expectancies were, and the fact that many children are at peak fertility.
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This brings me to my next point, which is that it is biologically proven that sexual intercourse with children is preferable to sexual intercourse with adults, with regards to reproduction. Studies have shown that females reach peak sexual attractiveness when they are 14-15 years of age. Coincidentally, that also happens to be when they are the most fertile. This is a result of humans being evolutionarily inclined to reproduce with females within that age bracket, due to natural selection favoring intercourse which results in the most healthy offspring. Therefore, MAP relationships are not only "natural", but also ideal, normal, and healthy. It appears as though society has been collectively gaslit into thinking otherwise, with this harmful effect being amplified by draconian "child protection" laws and persisting societal dogmas.
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Now that the perceived legitimacy of the age of consent as been essentially debunked, I will move onto the final aspect of this post - which is the societal reasoning and origin behind the age of consent. The year in which the age of consent was formally introduced in any society is commonly attributed to 1885, where it was enacted as a result of an increase in paranoia regarding (non-existent) "child sexual abuse". Furthermore, this was around the time where the flawed logic of "childhood innocence" was introduced into the collective consciousness, with various pseudo-psychologists purporting the incorrect theory that children are somehow automatically innocent, incorruptible individuals (when in fact they too display things like sexual behavior). It should be noted here that this time period was rife with religious paranoia, and that prostitution was on the rise here. It would seem that the age of consent was introduced during this time period by legislators in order to scapegoat MAPs for the increase in societal decadence at the time. This wrongful scapegoating entailed various public misinformation campaigns attempting to delegitimize MAP relationships (in order to justify this sudden and wrongful implementation of a repressive policy), with this dogma unfortunately persisting to this day.
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Therefore, it is vital for informed individuals to spread the message regarding the truth behind MAP relationships, so that we may destroy this dogma and free ourselves from wrongful persecution once and for all.
Informative post, well done it brotha